(Don't get lost here. This is taking you inside NonLinear Physics!)
Everything makes perfect sense, quite literally, in the long run, in our everything-said-and-done NonLinear Universe at its *Core,* and with millions upon millions of phenomena life has to offer, all interconnected and using the same physics, ultimately, there are none with more potent a need for deciphering than conventional linear perception. Everything in life has its very own *timeXspace* signature, as I've pointed out, which is easier for folks to understand if I simply say...its very own unique *universal address!* This means that there is a neverending array of stuff to play with, to pluck out of linear perception to find its resolution in nonlinear physics.
Everything makes perfect sense, quite literally, in the long run, in our everything-said-and-done NonLinear Universe at its *Core,* and with millions upon millions of phenomena life has to offer, all interconnected and using the same physics, ultimately, there are none with more potent a need for deciphering than conventional linear perception. Everything in life has its very own *timeXspace* signature, as I've pointed out, which is easier for folks to understand if I simply say...its very own unique *universal address!* This means that there is a neverending array of stuff to play with, to pluck out of linear perception to find its resolution in nonlinear physics.
About 18 years ago or so, I decided to explore the linear religious concept of "angels" to find the *energy,* influence and impetus that so profoundly cause millions upon millions of people to believe in such a notion. It was my current toy at the time, but I didn't intend for it to become so....literal! My fearless curiosity has taken me on the most amazing multidimensional adventures all my life, because no matter what you plug the Universe's true physics into, it instantly begins to unravel the chaos to reveal the Answers!
All throughout human history, there have been reports of winged beings "sent to earth" for various purposes, and so what I was actually interested in was the *state of the art of the heart* of the perceivers. Of course, there's always the rather obvious understanding that many folks, unable to process life otherwise, feel such a strong External Dependency on their cherished Deities, but true to my heart, I just had to take it all much *higher* than that, much deeper than that, to locate the inherent physics origins of these conventional creatures. I needed to trace them to the Shared Soul of the Universe, in other words, and in the process of my doing that, something really weird occurred. Of course, for me, that's all "a regular day at the NonLinear office," so to speak, but this time I kinda got to "co-star" in my own NonLinear Cognition, and that only makes it all the more *intriguing!*
As it turned out, right in the heart of my determination to explore the nonlinear physics of the concept of "angels,* it seems...I inadvertently became one for a day! =o
Okay, where's my crown, er...halo? How about...the little "*whack*whack* animated icon guy?" Like I said: You decide!
I've experienced soooo many of these not-really-so-curious encounters over the years that, when I begin to discuss any one of them, I find myself bombarded with another and another and another and another all rushing forward, all wanting their story to be told. Just writing this, I am reminded of dozens of them that, if attended to, would lead to so many others I could probably fill an encyclopedia!
True to form, the Universe always has its own ideas, so to speak, because life is composed of superimpositions and parallels that are so easy for creative folks to apply personal meaningfulness to, but to the multidimensional Universe, it's all a matter of its mathematical conditions simply being where they happen to be at the time. While, for many, that's just not good enough, needing to believe that surely life has to be far more meaningful than that, for myself, that's precisely where my own personal meaningfulnesses come from...discovering the actual timeXspace *address* in the universe of whatever it is that I am exploring, and that's because it then opens up all sorts of new parallel worlds to play with, each and every one of them adhering to the very same nonlinear physics at the *Core!* All that extraordinary intrigue is far beyond anything I could project onto it, and following it to where it takes me is pure joy!
So, this particular "angel" episode was really special to me, because I knew it would lead me to the Ultimate Answer, and so here's what happened...
I began detecting that a total stranger to me, someone I had never met, among millions of folks driving all over the roads and freeways "out there," was going to have a very specific type of collision. Weeks away from the occurrence, I *realized* I had such a gnawing need to protect him, to save his life. I didn't know why it was falling into place for that to become my specific responsibility (other than the usual superimpositions, which are never going to be absent until I turn into a pillar of salt one day), but I tend to always go into such a situation from a place of...
"Your mission, should you decide to accept it..." =)
Not that I get much of a choice, mind you! Any time I try to distract myself away from something my nonlinear math brain is relentlessly detecting, it rushes at me to remind me I have a job to do! It's like "Okay, okay! You got me! Whatdoya want me to *know* this time!" Keep in mind, of course, that it was my bright idea to figure out the beyond-the-obvious physics behind convention's need for "angels!" True to form, this just happens to be how the Universe teaches you what you wanna know, that's all! So, be careful what you wish for, cause once the Universe gets on a roll to Answer you, haha, it kinda doesn't like to change its mind!
So, like I said, I began detecting that a man was going to have a very specific type of accident "on his vehicle...of one!" A motorcycle! Once my brain figures out the superimpositions, math patterns, language, etc., involved, I often begin having very persistent visual flashes of what will happen, which has nothing whatsoever to do with anything "psychic," as convention tries to process it, but rather is simply the reality that our eyes are transmitters and receivers, cause we really see with our brain, but what the eyes transmit does NOT require seeing something happening outside ourselves, to realize and process it within ourselves, nonlinear Universe and all. So, if the brain *realizes* what will happen before it actually manifests, it can flash that information out through the eyes, which is what causes me to be able to very clearly *see* what is going to happen long before it reaches actual manifestation! It's really cool, incredibly intriguing, but of course, also unsettling when NonLinear Cognition reveals horrors ahead of time, as often happens!
Well, weeks went by, and, as often happens with me, that was hardly the only NonLinear Cognition I was noticing building toward manifestation. I often detect several of them all moving toward their manifestations simultaneously, so I wasn't actually looking for what was about to happen when I decided to go out for a drive one day! Sure, it was on my mind, but having a fun day out was taking priority!
I was driving along the ocean and traffic was almost bumper to bumper in places. I remember it was a holiday, and it seemed everyone had come out to play in the tropical paradise!
"Minding my own business," all of a sudden...WHAM! THERE HE IS!
It was a super-busy weekend and the beach roads were packed with both locals and tourists, and everywhere you went there were motorcyclists on the roads, but none of them had any effect on me at all. But as I drove into a little beach town, folks were trying to work their way into the main road from a residential side street, and as soon as I saw him, it was like every neuron and neural pathway fired like a giant billboard, in recognition. =o
I instantly *knew* it was HIM! It was soooo instant that my brain practically put on my brakes before I did! Of all the many others I had passed on the roads... "There he is! That's him!" I decided to let him out in front of me, hoping to be able to help him, as I had detected I "should" weeks before. Admittedly, part of me just wanted to pull over and not have to go through yet another "manifestation," which can be so devastating, every one of them feeling like the very first NonLinear Cognitive manifestation, ever, for me, despite thousands of them throughout my life. But it wasn't about ME! I realized I'd detected the situation for a reason, and so sure enough, there I was.
I struggled hard to remain "the car behind him" for miles, including through a busy traffic light in the little town, with lots of folks pulling into the road at that intersection from a shopping center, because I had *known* and *seen* repeatedly for weeks that he was going to slam into the car in front of him, flying up over top of it, motorcycle and all, perfectly straight, and fall back down to the road, motorcycle and all, just as perfectly straight. So my goal was to protect him when he fell back down, so he wouldn't be run over by an unsuspecting vehicle/driver behind him. I've been in all sorts of NonLinear Cognition situations, and of course there is just no way I am going to be taken seriously, had I found a way to stop him to warn of what was to come! People think I'm nuts! So, the best I would be able to do was protect him from being run over when he fell back down to the road!
Several miles down the road, I noticed he was not watching where he was going. He was far more interested in watching the windsurfers out in the ocean than the traffic ahead. I also noticed that further down the road, around a squiggly mountainside (Ice Road Truckers edge-like), a tour bus was stopping to await its chance to turn into a popular lookout! Traffic was quickly backing up behind the bus, just like dominoes rushing our way, but the guy not paying attention persisted in moving forward, keeping his eyes on the windsurfers instead!
This is where time comes to a halt for me, because the experience of NonLinear Cognitive manifestation is soooo surreal! I *know* what's going to happen, there's no one to warn, and I am going to have to deal with yet another alien-to-planet ZZZzzz situation, only this one threatened to have a further twist!
Sure enough, the "unconscious" domino watching the windsurfers slammed into the car in front of him, flew up over top of it, perfectly straight, motorcycle and all, and then fell back down to the ground, exactly the way he went up there, perfectly straight, motorcycle and all...right in front of my car!
*Knowing* what was going to occur, I had spaced my car from him enough for him to have room to land, and so no one could slip into that space unwittingly.
And then I sat there frozen, hands at ten and two on the steering wheel! Talk about "missing time!" Like I said, every one of them, despite thousands of NonLinear Cognitions over my lifetime, feels like the very first time I've experienced such a thing. It's incredible validation of the mathematical physics and multidimensional everything I was born aware of, but it's like the good, the bad, the ugly and the extraordinary all in one timeless, spaceless experienceless experience! If time had been measured, surely there would have been some of it missing! 0.O Had I been speaking, my voice would have fallen into the lowest, slowest octave and then some!
And then I began to 'thaw,' as people from the sides of the beach road began running to see if the motorcyclist was okay. I felt badly that I wasn't running to him, too, but I was totally frozen in place, and besides...I had already done my part, for weeks, apparently, he was being assisted by lots of folks running to him, and now I found myself in yet another predicament: Yikes! I'm a witness to a traffic accident that happened right in front of my car! Should I leave the scene of an accident? I personally wasn't involved in it! What if I have to go to court?! What on earth am I going to testify to...? That I had *known* about it all for weeks before it manifested? That I *knew* miles back and intentionally protected him along the way all that time? The whole scenario played itself out while my hands were glued to that steering wheel at 10 and 2!
"So, you see, Judge... ... ..."
I had to get outta there, quick! If I didn't bail fast, I was gonna need bail! =o
I had to get outta there, quick! If I didn't bail fast, I was gonna need bail! =o
I realized the motorcyclist was okay, being helped up, seeming more in shock than anything! (Tell me about it! 0.o) I saw my chance, hit the gas and sped myself outta there, so worried folks would think I had hit him with my car and was leaving the scene of an accident I'd caused! I hoped that the many police officers who park and observe the beach around the corner were not going to be coming after me, and they already knew me because it was one of my favorite hang outs!
Well, whew! That didn't happen! I guess the guy owned up to what he did, and so I managed to get outta that mess unscathed myself!
But, now I *knew* what the physics were behind the concept of "angels!" I sure as heck could have done without the personal appearance in all that, and it takes nothing much at all for me to "put two and too together" to see the Answers of stuff in the physics. It just seemed that the Universe's "conditions" were ripe at the time for me to participate in the "lesson" to be learned.
Thing is...was I the "angel for a day" in the adventure, or was it the motorcyclist?
But, now I *knew* what the physics were behind the concept of "angels!" I sure as heck could have done without the personal appearance in all that, and it takes nothing much at all for me to "put two and too together" to see the Answers of stuff in the physics. It just seemed that the Universe's "conditions" were ripe at the time for me to participate in the "lesson" to be learned.
Thing is...was I the "angel for a day" in the adventure, or was it the motorcyclist?
I'd suggest...both! ;)
The physics are mutual, in that folks are drawn together unwittingly (well, most, anyway) by the *higher* Universal processes relative to the placement of their physics, that *state of the art of the heart* of themselves that interacts with those whose own physics *balance* the others'. At the time, I was persistently being invalidated, even attacked, in my relentless attempts to express the NonLinear Cognition dynamics that kept/keep me constantly *knowing* about imminent events. Sometimes I get so caught up in my attempts to protect other people that I forget to save some of that for myself! This incident taught me not only what angels are, firsthand, confirming my otherwise obvious suspicions, but by my actually being a part of a manifestation like that, there was no way *I* was ever going to be invalidating or doubting my own awarenesses and *accesses!*
Thanks, Universe! I needed that!
Soooo, if I had blue and the motorcyclist had yellow, the perfectmost *balance* that the Universe insisted for us would be the *green* that our shared experience came together to create!
So, next time you see any colorful angels floating around out there, you'll *know* two/too what's reeeally going on! =)