Thursday, August 30, 2012

Yin & Yang - *Even* More Relatives to Get to Know! =P

Workbook: Yin & Yang - *Even* More Relatives to Get to Know

And they're all/Awe... *Within* yourself!   o.O  *Without* yourself!

There is no greater importance for the world than the Conscious *realization* of the  inescapable patterns of *energy* lurking in the chaos of the collective unconsciousness, patterns that lead to order and truth...and peace!  

And Answers beyond your wildest dreams!

Everything only appears "chaotic" and lost to daunting defeat by an unconscious conventional mind, but there truly are... patterns in the chaos!

The idea that any mere human could ever possibly "figure out the universe" is all too quickly dismissed by those who look upon life with a sensation of being overwhelmed at just the thought of trying to figure it all out.  Even many of the most noted scientists rush to the premature conclusion that it's far too complex, that there's just so much going on, so, therefore, there must be no accessible Answer!

But the Universe itself clearly proves otherwise... again and again and again...and again!

Yin (female *energies*) and Yang (male *energies*) are not mere pop culture icons and have nothing to do with politically incorrect stereotypes.  They are critically important aspects of Universal Multidimensionality.

We'll talk more about these, as additional discussions are best addressed with a *higher* understanding of Yin and Yang. Too much, too soon, and folks start running away, lost in conventional misinterpretation and its..."reason."