Tuesday, July 31, 2012

In the beginning... =)

Over the next few posts (or thereabouts), I am going to be establishing a baseline / foundation that will help folks get some basic idea about what precisely Consciousness / Enlightenment actually is, why it is so important to both oneself and to the world, how it is so different from what seems to be going on in the regular, every-day world, why so few people are actually Enlightened, what obstacles stand in the way that make it so difficult for so many, what personal rewards await those who choose Enlightenment for themselves, the responsibilities that come with those rewards, and how to get started...living in the real world, the real truth, the genuine *Awakening.*


Note:  Workbook version reads:

Since, on the primary blog this section is just my notes about plans for the upcoming posts, HERE it would make a great place for you to share what it was that got you going, on your journey toward Enlightenment!

Was there some special or difficult event?  A sudden *aha!* moment?  Becoming interested through friends or family or others?


What are YOU Personally *Working* on?

In a paragraph or two, please feel free to share *where you are,* in your personal journey, right here!

Many folks feel overwhelmed by Consciousness studies, because it requires doing a lot of very personal *work* that can seem daunting at times, and the more they learn, the more that learning multiplies exponentially with every next *aha!,* both *within* and *without,* so they prefer to keep to themselves along the way.   It is only natural that folks will need to mosey away from time to time, to give themselves the space and time they need to work on specific *places* of their hearts throughout their journey!  That ...IS... *doing the work!*  It is not only expected, but also hard NOT to do!

Please know that it's perfectly okay!  I'll still *be here for you,* as long as this site remains active!

There are readers from various countries around the world here, so you are not alone, and neither am I!

Welcome, every*One!* ;)

If you would like to share *where you are* and what you are wondering about, by all means, join in!


Questions About Enlightenment? What would you like to ask about Enlightenment?

Please feel free to ask your questions about Consciousness / Enlightenment here!

(Note:  Please use the NEW, open *Workbook* linked above!)


Thursday, July 26, 2012

Consciousness Questionaire 1...

I'm a reeeeally "down to earth" kinda person, playful, fun, but also deeply contemplative, compassionate and empathic.  I would much prefer to talk *with* people about Consciousness, as opposed to only TO them, so please join in and respond to any or all of these questions, the first of many I will be asking along the way.  I've told you what *I* want to be sharing with the world here.  What is it that YOU hope to share in return?

1 ...  What are YOUR personal interests in Consciousness / Enlightenment?
2 ...  What do you hope to learn or discover here?
3 ...  What do you feel are the biggest obstacles to your own personal Awakening?
4 ...  If you could *change the world,* with unlimited power, how would you change it?
5 ...  What baffles you the most about life and its many mysteries?
6 ...  What saddens you the most about life in general, or your own personal life?
7 ...  If you could write a book, what title would you choose?  Name 3 of its chapters!
8 ...  What is the difference between religion and spirituality, for yourself personally?
9 ...  What does the concept of *Love* mean to you?

Please feel free to answer any or all of these questions, here!    Your responses will help me direct this blog for your needs, as well.  Consciousness studies can quickly become chaotic without consistent order, so I will be making sure that continues, but help me know where your heart is taking you!  Thanks! =)

About the Author of These Blogs (That'd Be Me!) B)

Previous Title of this Post:   
How to Be Conscious / Enlightened...in Everyday Language!

I've chosen to change the title of this post to help folks learn about me more easily.  I originally entitled this post the above because, while I've studied "all this stuff" formally and otherwise all my life, as you will see, I've always valued the importance of removing as much of the culture-shock language so often related to Consciousness / Enlightenment that scares people away, or turns profoundly important (to World and Inner Peace) concepts into what only appears to be "pop culture" fads!  Enlightenment is the fluent *realization* and actual application of very real, *far more highly evolved,* Universal Physics, and needs to be *realized* as such.  So, for that reason, and given the reality that what is learned always needs to be applied to practical life immediately along the way, I always prefer to address Consciousness in as much "everyday language" as possible, while helping folks reason themselves beyond terminology that the unconscious collective convention (everyday world most folks live in) has inadvertently made a mockery of!  Removal of that socio-cultural wall begins the path to Awakening! =)

(Caution:  If you are not ready for profound, often blatant, Universal Truth, personal or otherwise, please move on, and read no further!  Things may get reeeeally scaaaary here for you!  These physics are very VERY real!)

Ah, soooo...  Why a blog?  And why this blog, with this title? =)

Well, as a simple introduction, with everything else only naturally falling into place along the way...  I want to help folks *realize* the Answers to some of life's most profound questions, while teaching them to become *far more highly evolved,* aka Conscious / Enlightened.

I was born with the most extraordinary gift of having a nonlinear, mathematical, multidimensional superConsciousness.  Sure, I still had to grow into it, applying it to experiences as I grew up (which only multiplies it exponentially, neverendingly, which has always been so much fun!), but I was already having soooo many extraordinary experiences with it by the ripe old age of three (3) that there was just no way I was ever gonna allow convention and its expectations of me to distract me away from it!  No way!!  There wasn't a lot of choice anyway, born with the math and all/awe!  My nonlinear math brain snaps me back to the Universal *Core* with the sharpest of "Ouch!"s, dare I ever attempt to quietly sneak away!

But, wow, the fun of having it!  I counted everything, everywhere, seeing the mathematical patterns in everything!  I heard through the language, often annoying the heck out of my elementary school teachers and others, and I was adamant about reducing everything to its origins! :P  College professors were not too happy with me, either!  Fortunately, the heads of the psychology and philosophy departments recognized *where* I was, and went around campus redirecting my disgruntled profs away from the belief that I was menacingly trying to be "one up" on them!  Of course I wasn't!  I was just playing as I would naturally play, dreaming as I would naturally dream...as anyone would naturally play and dream (create, advance...) when they have "this much information," about life, about truth, about the Universe!

Graduate studies were no exception.  "Don't tell them you know all this stuff! ," came the advice of one of those dept. heads who was also married to one of those grad profs!   "They don't wanna know you know all this stuff!  They wanna 'mold you' into what they want you to be!"  Problem is, when you go to a University adamant about teaching in such a way that the students have to get up in front of everyone to teach those classes for the full length of the class, not to mention when your doctoral level courses are filled with classmates who are the actual University professors themselves keeping their own educations current...  Well, of course it all had to come naturally and spontaneously outta my own head, my own mind, my own *accesses!*    I was officially determined to be "functioning beyond the doctoral level, if not moreso" just starting my undergrad studies, so it was a really awkward situation to find myself in when I was "far more highly evolved" than my classmates with PhDs from Harvard, Stanford, etc...  I remember trying to hold a Consciousness conversation with one of them one night, gazing at the stars, when we had gone with the class prof to assist at a school he owned, only for that PhD in Psychology from Harvard getting all upset thinking I was flirting with him!  Hahaha!  I was talking about the Universe, using multidimensional language...intentionally testing him to see how *realized* he was!  I had to break it to him...gently!  Hilarious to this day!  But also frustratingly a part of just how hard it is to communicate super duper Universal *realizations* to people!

I was even told by Tibetan Buddhist monks who run teaching centers that I was more highly evolved than themselves!  This isn't bragging...this is begging!  The stuff I have to *know* is truly extraordinary, including the ability to literally save and protect hundreds of thousands of people's lives, *seeing the past, the present and the future...in a single instance,* and more!  For real!  The Universe is a living, breathing, pulsating, highly interactive (however inadvertent) creature, and when it wants to make itself heard, there is no escaping it!  When you're superConscious, Enlightened, you are in alignment with it, at its *Core,* (empathically dissolved into it), which is also your own *Core!*  It's the true *One*-ness of it all/awe!  I call it having *extraordinary access!*

The Universe calls it...wheneeeever it wants! ;)

I've always said that superConsciousness "is the greatest toy, EVER!"  And it surely is and always has been, given those truly *extraordinary accesses,* but there's an awful lot of very profound responsibility that goes along with it.  So, be very careful what you wish for!  If you can handle really profound Universal Truth that undoes just about everything the unconscious collective convention and its persistent expectations has demanded of you, and if you can handle selfLESSly the ~ enormous responsibility ~ that goes with it, far beyond yourself, then such a beautiful gift of Awakening is yours, if you simply commit yourself to *doing the work!*  As those of us who are Enlightened often say...  "I can't imagine going through life NOT *knowing!*"

More than 99% of the entire world's population is born, lives out their entire lives, and dies, never having figured it out!  Isn't that sad?!  Life is like a scavenger hunt, as your very Existence in this world inescapably sends you on the most incredible journey, in search of the most extraordinary *gift* YOU were inherently trusted to have!  It doesn't matter who you are, where you come from, what color you are, what culture, how rich or poor, how formally or life educated, or not...  YOU, by your very Existence in the Universe, have been entrusted with the entire Library of Universal Truths, all its Answers, right there within yourself!  YOU are that *worthy!!*  =)  Isn't it sad that most folks never even get to *realize* that of themselves, and of those around them?!

If you can handle *knowing* the hard stuff along with the most beautiful that life has to offer, and can also handle the profound responsibility that goes along with it, then this is probably a place for you! =)  If you are afraid of being exposed to information that you don't feel ready to handle, then I would advise you not to read this blog!

Atmosphere and Synopsis for this Blog:

Awakening people together as a society; how society works as a reflection of personal contributions to it; helping folks toward truly putting forth the consistent and committed effort to *do the work* toward personal Consciousness / Enlightenment; exploring neglected *accesses* available to scientists (including geologists and seismologists), medical researchers, quantum physicists, emergency services personnel, etc...; discussing what meditation is really all about, why it is so important for folks who are *doing (that) work* toward Enlightenment; taking folks deeply inside themselves to explore and discover their own personal truths (in their own time and personal space); revealing what is ~ really ~ behind all the *spooky actions* of those who call themselves "psychics" and "mediums" who claim to talk to the "other side" (which I passionately want to ensure puts an end to how unconscious folks are being so exploited by all that stuff, while revealing precisely why that is soooo extremely important to have happen!)...(Those very, very rare ones who are legitimate will be legitimized!); and so much more... That's what you will find being written about here! =)

(Caution:  If you are not ready for profound, often blatant, Universal Truth, personal or otherwise, please move on, and read no further!  Things may get really scary here for you!  These physics are very real!)

Saturday, July 14, 2012

*One* Grain of Sand - Notes from AncientHerStory about this blog.

WELCOME, everyone!    =)

Please see my extended Introduction HERE!  =)  It explains the purpose and interests of this blog!

This NEW Consciousness blog has an accompanying ~ Open-for-Comments ~ Workbook for you to write in, so you have a *down-to-earth* place to share with likeminded others, explore your feelings and thoughts, share personal experiences relative to Consciousness, talk about *where* you are on your journey, what got you interested in *higher realizations,* answer Questions sections, ask questions, help others, wonder out loud, etc!  =)  It is an experiment I hope lasts a long time, with lots of folks joining in!  (I decided to create the separate-but-matching Workbook because of the obvious complexity of the topic of  Enlightenment, which you'll realize as you read further!  The primary text needs to remain *focused* because Consciousness studies can quickly become chaotic otherwise, so I think it was important to protect the integrity of the task).

There is also a *Consciousness Workbook Cafe* there for you to "hang out" and make new friends! :)

Go to the Interactive Workbook & Consciousness Cafe

So, what I'm calling "Text" will be here, with the parallel "Workbook" to play with immediately linked to each new topic for your convenience.

This is a new site, so please feel free to jump right in and be the very first to write your heart out , in the Workbook's "Comments" sections!!  That will help others to feel ready to join in, too!

My "Comments" below include updates and helpful information for you about this site!  =)  Please read the "Comments" below!  

Thanks, and again...Welcome, everyone! =)