In a paragraph or two, please feel free to share *where you are,* in your personal journey, right here!
Many folks feel overwhelmed by Consciousness studies, because it requires doing a lot of very personal *work* that can seem daunting at times, and the more they learn, the more that learning multiplies exponentially with every next *aha!,* both *within* and *without,* so they prefer to keep to themselves along the way. It is only natural that folks will need to mosey away from time to time, to give themselves the space and time they need to work on specific *places* of their hearts throughout their journey! That ...IS... *doing the work!* It is not only expected, but also hard NOT to do!
Please know that it's perfectly okay! I'll still *be here for you,* as long as this site remains active!
There are readers from various countries around the world here, so you are not alone, and neither am I!
Welcome, every*One!* ;)
If you would like to share *where you are* and what you are wondering about, by all means, join in!