Monday, August 6, 2012

Quest Test 2 - *The God Particle*...A SuperImposition

"The God Particle" is the nickname scientists have given to their subatomic beginning of it all/awe, what they believe to be that very first *one grain of (scientific mass to matter) sand* that disrupted the Perfectmost, Translucent state of *The Nothing* at the Universal *Core,* to breathe mass into the matter of *The Something.*

Notice that the physics *address* behind the concept/*energy* of a "god" (for those choosing to anthropomorphize that *energy* as such) is NOT the Nonlinear Universal *Core* itself, but rather begins with the very first step OUTSIDE the Universal *Core,* while the *Core* itself remains undauntedly eclectic!

I've suggested for a long time that billions could be saved in a redefinition of time and space, or relative timeXspace, if scientists would search for the answers they seek by first looking *within* themselves.  You know, a bit of "back engineering" of those aliens closer to home that would then lift them up like Falcor in The Neverending Story (*Love* - that movie! ;) ), and carry them almost all the way to the finish line.  Somehow, though, it seems a reluctant course of action, and so they struggle along, *without* their magic dragon.  "Fancy armor doesn't help!," I've reminded them (from NES).  "The sphinxes can see *s*t*r*a*i*g*h*t* into your heart!" :D

Well, if they're not ready to borrow the empathic assistance of Falcor, that doesn't mean we can't, here! :)  Soooo, there's a "God Particle" hiding somewhere in the reflection?   Yep, there sure is!  *Remember Now*...  *Doing the work* is gonna get harder, as we go along!  But magnificently, if you keep an open mind and check to see if you are quieting yourself into *balance* as you go, that *work* can also simultaneously begin to become a lot easier, as well!  You'll *realize* how this could be, in time...and space! =)  Don't get so caught up in worrying what you may leave behind!  Be brave!  *Focus* on how ~ *beautiful* ~ what you are moving toward is going to be!   There is nothing more beautiful than Universal Enlightenment!  Little by little, the *gift* of your inherent Awakening is becoming *clear.*  You are that *worthy!*

In Quest Test 1, which we will return to as we progress, you began to explore the *mother* superimposition, which, by the way, has nothing whatsoever to do with "psychobabble!"  It is actual Universal physics, and you will see for yourself, all within yourself, just how profoundly real that physics actually is!  Sages over thousands upon thousands of years have all come to these exact same *realizations!*  The Truth of the Universe will prove itself to you, all within your very own heart and soul!  Universal Truth is what happens when all human projection is retrieved, and the path to Enlightenment has become Empathically *clear!*  There's no mistaking the Truth once *there!*  It proves itself again and again, in everything you experience!  You can gather crowd after crowd to debate it, and Universal Truth remains *clear!*  =)  We are working on helping you to *realize* all within yourself that courage and trust you will need to continue on, and on and on and on...mastering your own Consciousness / Enlightenment!   *Remembering,* as well, that there are going to be all sorts of "loose ends" that you will have to set aside (macrame-like) while you *work* on other parallel aspects of *reality* that will eventually all so beautifully connect, let's now move on to...

Quest Test 2: The Patriarch

Some Universal *connections* / *aha!* moments are more successfully and meaningfully *realized* (and accepted) when left to the seeker of truth to discover them in his or her own heart and soul, and only when they are *ready.*  So, in keeping with the "loose ends" of the *mother* superimposition...

The Universe is a system of opposing forces.  In its perfectmost state of *The Nothing,* its symmetry is at its ultimate *balance.*  That *balance* eventually habituates itself into reacting, and suddenly the imperfect, less symmetrical *Something* appears, to send everybody, everything, every event, happening, every whatever, out into the world to "whether" the storms of imperfection.  This *one grain of sand* is what Christians inadvertently perceive (in parallel) as "sin."  Thanks to this state of imperfection, the universe now reveals itself as a system of opposites in search of their own reflection/*reflection.*

So, now...  Get out your notebook again, and, remembering that your notes are for your eyes ONLY, and leaving some pages free to return to your *mother* notes whenever you feel the need, this time write about your father!  As in Quest Test 1, it doesn't matter if you have never, ever met your father, if he is gone, if you haven't seen him in ages, if he lives on the other side of the planet, if he gave you away for adoption, etc...  The Universal physics still applies, 100%!   Don't forget to be honest with yourself in the *work* you are doing, because it will only get a lot harder later on, when everything is multiplying exponentially and suddenly you find yourself overwhelmed with inadvertent chaos you never intended to bring upon yourself.

The VERY Eclectic (because Universally *realized*) Dalai Lama likens *doing the work* to climbing a ladder, saying one needs "intelligence" to master the task, so he or she is able to hold onto every next rung that has been reached, without losing one's grip and sliding back that unconscious conventional comfort zone!  We all establish, refine, and re-establish our natural "defense mechanisms" as we go along in life, to reflect *where* we are and feel most comfortable.  When we are *doing the work* of Enlightenment, those defense mechanisms only naturally are going to have to be redefined to reflect the *state of the art of the heart* of the journey, so if you find yourself feeling uncomfortable, stop in place, hold onto your newest rung, and allow your defense mechanisms to catch up with you!  I guess in a way you could say they are also *doing the work* right along with you! =)

Okay, so...what do you suppose you are going to need to do with your Quest Test 2 notes about your father?  Well, in a Universe of inverted opposites, while *mother* is your "ultimate innermost self," father/Father is your ultimate outermost self!  He is an exact superimposition to your environment, the world *outside yourself!*  Or, you could say...your environment, that world outside yourself, is an exact replica, or reflection, of your Dad!    Close your eyes...that is your ultimate innermost *mother* self.  Open your see your outermost *father!*  Go back over your notes about your father, cross out everywhere you've referred to him as such, and this time, write "my ultimate outermost self!"  Spend all the time you need to work on this new *realization* in your life!  Don't try to *hear* everything all at once.  You'll go bonkers! =)  Give yourself plenty of time to allow the process to naturally unfold.  You will find yourself suddenly *realizing* and experiencing all sorts of new *aha!* moments for years to come, so there's no need to rush.  If you need time to go away and spend days, weeks, months or more *working* on these *higher realizations,* by all means, follow your heart to its natural inclinations for you!

There's soooo much more to come, but never allow yourself to become overwhelmed, especially to the point of not being able to function in your everyday life!  Enlightenment is not an escape!  If you find yourself getting stuck or unduly distracted from your daily activities, put your Consciousness studies aside until you have *balanced* the *work* of your journey with the practical *reality* of your everyday needs.  If at any time you find yourself drifting into painful realizations, STOP!  Those can only be healed with time and space.  Make that happen!  This is not a race!  You are your only competitor!

It's the journey that's the joy!