Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Quest Test 3: "A Math Test! Oh, No!"

Workbook: Quest Test 3:  "A Math Test!  Oh, No!"

Movies and other media make wonderful teaching tools when it comes to Consciousness studies, in particular the few that could be considered a more direct *Core* potential to assist you, while also entertaining you, in your studies!  They also help you to *realize* yourself as not as alone in society as you will often feel on your journey. (There are some very intriguing and special *realizers* out there, where you'd least expect to find them!) =) And, perhaps most importantly, they serve as confirmation that you are on the right path, helping you to muster up some of that essential *trust* within yourself to continue on.

Watch "The Neverending Story" movie that I have occasionally mentioned, showing you the struggles of the journey, and walking you through Enlightenment (disguised as a children's movie), and be sure to...

...  put the captioning on, and take lots of notes!
...  pay very close attention to the opening theme song  (It's filled with clues!)
...  ask yourself:  "Am I afraid to get on a real one?"  Personally define that "real one!"
...  explore those times when you have felt yourself thrown in a dumpster
...  answer: When was the last time you failed "a math test?" ;)
...  spend some time in the NES bookstore, exploring if that *special book* is reeeeally for you!

I'll add some more clues from the movie as we go along!

I will also walk you through similar others, as well!
