You know how you can run all over the house looking for your glasses, only to discover they were on your head all along? :) Well, life itself is like that...quite literally! As I've been helping you to *realize,* it is your very own inherent nature, the physics of your *beingness,* of your *presence* in the Universe, as one who is part of *Existence* itself, to inescapably hold ~ within yourself ~ the entire Library of Universal Truths! Every Answer to Every Question! Even/*even* those the most brilliant quantum physicists would just LOVE to have!
But the thing do you get there, to that Library within yourself?
I've also mentioned that there are going to be all sorts of "unfathomable" Alice in Wonderland/lookingglass wormholes for you to be falling through as well! =o
Meditation is one/*One* of them! ;)
Meditation, despite its seeming "pop culture" fad disguise, is an ACTUAL WORMHOLE in the Universe, and if you allow yourself to be true to yourself, you get to *experience* falling through that wormhole! There are many, in reality! And in meditation! =) Scientists are desperately searching for "wormholes," and if they would learn to *do the work* toward becoming Enlightened, first, they would find them a lot closer to home than they otherwise suspect!
Multidimensional Universe
The Universe is multidimensional. That means that while there appears to be a single established way of life going on, on one level, or dimension, there are, in truth, all sorts of parallel realities all superimposed upon one other, and while that may seem like an invitation to chaos, it really isn't, at all, with superConsciousness. How could that be? Well, the more *realized* you become, the more you have successfully mastered your way through all sorts of *higher accesses* that have each prepared you for what's next, similar to how you go through school beginning with kindergarten, first grade, second grade and so on...each level preparing you to tackle the next.
The Universe is an ~ open book ~ readily revealing all its Answers. It even/*even* provides us with the *key* to decoding it, but that *key* has to be earned along the way, and the way to that *key* is courage, self trust, and, as the Dalai Lama has added, intelligence to hold onto your newest ladder rung! The Universe *hints* and *haunts* and *taunts* you, at every moment, to discover it! It plants clues EVERYWHERE you go! You simply need to be ~ paying very close attention to those clues, ~ that's all!
The Key to Decoding It
Everywhere you have ever gone, from the time you were born, you have carried within yourself that very *key* to decoding the Truth. It has surfaced millions of times, hinting and suggesting, creating little pin-hole synchronicities (simultaneous parallels) that have caught your momentary attention and wonderment. We'll explore synchronicity later on, along with soooo much more intrigue, but for now, let's locate that *key to decoding* the Universal Truth *within yourself!*
We've already discussed the differences and locations of *within* vs *without,* *spirit* vs *soul,* hinted toward relativity (yes, the real one! Much more on that to come, as well!), explored Y and X and ...O..., and talked about the importance of letting go, of "surrendering" your need to control what is happening around you. Once again, let's begin with that ...O...!
Draw a circle and put a dot *in the middle* of it. That really is what the Universe looks like, and the Universe of YOU! When I was a child, a fun game the kids loved to play was to "draw a circle, and then place a dot in the middle of it, without lifting your pencil!" Try it! It's possible! See if you can figure it out! =)
The *key* to that accomplishment is that you have to 'bend the rules of reasoning' a little. Okay, okay...a lot! =) *Doing the work* of Awakening, you are going to have to bend a lot of conventional rules of reasoning! Conventional rules are in place to protect convention! That's why it's so hard to escape it! The only thing that seems to make sense is...more convention! Right? You have to think out of the box, to get into *the middle* of the circle! =) I'll leave that one for you to figure out. Well, at least the game! But the idea, here, is that you have to allow yourself to step outside the realm of *collective conventional reasoning* to reach the *higher accesses* inherent within yourself! You have to take your *processing* to a new dimension!
Meditation is one of those "weird" kinda things that folks using the typical everyday rules of reasoning have trouble wrapping their minds around. It's a jolting of relative *energy* that seems really hard to "fathom!" What on earth is simply sitting still ever going to actually do for you? Everyone knows how busy, busy, busy their thought processes seem to be when they attempt to sit quietly and tune everything else out. It seems to go against everything you've learned in life to just sit there while a noisy world goes on without you, seemingly beckoning you to return. You're naturally going to wonder what all you are missing, and even find yourself worrying you should be doing something else that you're not. And, of course, there's that other ruined game plan associated with meditation called..."falling asleep!" =.= You're tired, stressed, looking for respite! That's at least in part why you are considering meditation in the first place, right, so... What's it really for, then? What's the enduring *new age* hype? Is it really just some pop culture fad that some cool people or college student types seem to be getting into, or at least talking about ("gonna, gonna") getting into?
Years ago, when I was teaching meditation, a guy asked me, "Is there REALLY something *there?*" He was frightened, but curious. Tempted, but worried he wouldn't be able to "get back" or quickly escape if he found himself uncomfortable in what he may be experiencing.
Remember the pen with the rubber band, the pen being the Universal *Core* at its Perfectmost place of *Balance,* with all movement ~ away from ~ the *Core* being your *spirit?* Well, with the birth of your *spirit,* that *one grain of sand* movement into your own *becoming* in your life, comes projection, and that's okay, because all life is projection. It's the inescapable reality of living. It's your creativity, your dreaming for yourself, those inventions you get to act out, and to be proud of as coming uniquely from yourself. What would life be without them? =)
Problem is, when you get so wrapped up in your creative living, you too quickly can totally forget that there's soooo much more going on, in *reality,* in YOUR *reality,* and that's when what you have projected takes on a world of its own, but it's a world that isn't as *reality*-based as the Ultimate Universal Truth, the home of the Answers, and projecting even more in search of those answers only serves to make matters worse. The unfortunate result is stress, chaos, and disorder(s)! When millions, billions, of folks are getting lost the same way, the result is WAR! Mental illnesses, like depression, domestic issues, bullying, social and political chaos, it's all the result of distraction, a search for the answers outside yourself, when they really are waiting for you to notice them from *within!*
Trying so hard to control, you actually lose control, and that's when it is time to slow down and start *remembering* those inherent origins of your own *Existence!* Believe it or not, it really IS related to an alteration in timeXspace itself. The more you progress in your awareness, the more those *much, much higher* connections begin to become *realized* as well, when the quantum physicist hiding inside you begins to show itself! Yep, it really is *there!* What a joy for you to discover within yourself, as you progress!
YOU...the Quantum Physicist!
So, sitting *quietly* in meditation is going to resolve world issues, take you on actual wormhole adventures through Alice's lookingglass, and even turn you into a quantum physicist? =?
YES! =) Who *new?* ;) Actually, you've had it all along! Then obviously it becomes apparent that a return to the home of those answers is in order...
So, let's get started, at least... There is so much more to come, on meditation! But, for *Now* the most important thing to know is this:
When you *sit quietly* in meditation, something extraordinary begins to happen! Your heart and your brain, and all your other parts, have ~ ALWAYS KNOWN ~ the truth, your truth, the Universe's truth, and they have, at all times, been trying again and again to return to the Universal *Core!* That's why the more you are ...pulling away... with that metaphorical "rubber band," stretching your need for control, the more stressed, lost and unhealthy you feel. Your heart and your brain have always *remembered* their own *dna!* They've hinted and haunted and taunted you, right along with the Universe, trying to get your attention! You who...dares to trust enough to "let go" of your need to control, of your need to TELL the Universe what it has to be, to *quiet* yourself enough to learn how to ASK it, instead, are in for an extraordinary treat! =)
A Meditation on... *Math?!*
With more guided, and not-so-guided, meditations yet to come, for now...
After reading this:
... Get yourself into a *quiet place* where you will not be distracted by others around you.
... Sit in a comfortable, symmetrical manner, legs crossed, arms outstretched, hands resting on your legs, head slightly tilted down, most naturally.
... Close your eyes, and begin counting your breaths. Find the number most comfortable for yourself, while breathing in, holding that same count, and then breathing out, holding that same count. Whatever number count most works for you, to begin, just keep all four breathing exercises the same.
... Nothing more! That's it, for *Now.* ;) You simply want to learn to work on *quieting* your need to control your environment, because, *remember,* when you are trying so hard to TELL the Universe what it 'has to' be, you totally "forget" how to ASK!
The Universe is a living, breathing, pulsating, highly interactive (however inadvertent) eclectic *presence,* which you are just now learning how to *listen* to! It can be the best friend you ever dreamed of having, but it can also be your worst enemy! When you allow the process to unfold, the most magnificent something occurs, which is why, when you ultimately *get there,* you get to *Name* it, but you will have to go there alone, to earn your way to that *Ultimate Confrontation!*
But, whoaaaa! =)
Can't wait for you to discover that...*Whoa!* =))))