Sunday, December 7, 2014

UnPuzzling the Mystery of Consciousness

A really easy way to *grasp* the basic physics and idea of Consciousness is the following metaphor...

There are two humongous jigsaw puzzles in the Universe...the *One* already put together at the Universal Core (Physics Truth of it All / The Nothing / Emptiness (of all projection / distraction) ), and the one that "burst" into The Something, Existence, that "one grain of sand" / The God Particle (when mass turned into matter) that "began"!

The Nothing's puzzle at the Core is perfectly intact, totally undaunted by human projection/distraction.

The Something's puzzle has exploded ~ away from ~ the Core into total chaos, and humans are living in that massive mess of jumbled up jigsaw puzzle pieces, unwittingly trying to figure out how to make sense of "the Bigger Picture, " and how it all applies to themselves collectively and individually.

Most people put just enough pieces together, even wrongfully (though for them they "seem" to go together), to find/create meaningfulness and purpose in their lives. Once established in those "comfort zones," they are so resistant to redirection that they will go to war (within themselves and without themselves) to protect those *stories they tell themselves* over and over again until even they have forgotten they've invented them!

But, just as with a jigsaw puzzle, there is...

...noticeable, observable, measurable ~ structure ~ in all the chaos...
...of the jumbled up puzzle/tangled webs they've woven for themselves, and those with superConsciousness/Enlightenment (meaning those fluent in the TRUE Universal Physics, who are able to see/*realize* the completed puzzle at the Universal Core), are those who are compassionately trying to redirect the collective unconscious convention (what everybody else is doing) to the right/correct way to perceive that Universal Puzzle, so there can finally be peace on earth, and an end to the relentless worldwide warring, hating, hurting, killing chaos that's destroying it.

Intelligence, Dalai Lama, Einstein and the Ancients

HH Dalai Lama likens *doing the work* to climbing a ladder, saying one needs enough intelligence to hold onto every next ladder rung when things get difficult, painful, overwhelming, etc., along one's journey, as they are *doing the work* required on that journey to reach and process *higher,* because without that intelligence he or she will just keep sliding right back down that ladder, over and over, to the seeming (mere illusional) comfort of the collective unconscious convention.
Relative to how, with Consciousness/superConsciousness, the *realizer* can see through/inside of everyone else's and everything else's (not so private) inner sanctuary/inner physics....this is the physics of (Answer to) quantum entanglement, what Albert Einstein called "spooky action" in the Universe that scientists can't figure out. In other words, how such things as your Nuclear Family is immediately effected by your physics actions, and vice versa, even if you are on opposite ends of the world from each other, without any direct or indirect contact (though scientists don't realize this and are simply trying to apply the very real phenomena to their science experiments, etc..) 
It is, metaphorically, like everybody and everything is really nothing more than ever-changing reflective images in the ocean, (like cloud images), such that they are 100% really just ocean water themselves, and Consciousness/superConsciousness (exceptionally mastered fluency/proficiency with the physics) soooo aligns one with that "ocean" (water, an ancient analogy to Truth) that one can penetrate/fluently *access/realize* the physics of those inner they individual or collective people/sentient (experiencing) beings, objects, concepts, happenings, events (including imminent devastations, like earthquakes, tsunamis, the weather), etc...

One *Energy* ...SHARED...  at the Universal Core,
Hence, the 2000+ year old  Tao Te Ching and its Tao 47, the 3000 year old Bhagavad Gita, the many more thousands of years old Vedas (Sanskrit: Wisdoms), etc., the Nag Hammadi Library's Gospel of Thomas/Sayings of Jesus, the Buddha (simply, Sanskrit: *realizer* of all this), and the Dalai Lama.
Less than 1% of the entire world's population is fluently Awakened to/Conscious of these true, inherent Universal Physics of all beings, all things, all events, all objects, all Existence!. Everyone else, including modern science, is sleeping away.


Understanding *Emptiness* and HH Dalai Lama

Remember the circle, or system of circles (harmonics), surrounding the "dot" *in the middle?*
The Universe is motionless at the *Core,* but that "Nothingness" is the *Emptiness* the Dalai Lama travels the world talking about, including last month's tour of Canada and the USA...meaning Emptiness of all projection, distraction, 'stories people tell themselves' over and over until even they have forgotten they've invented it all, of people trying to TELL the Universe what it 'has to be,' (including modern scientists) as opposed to bothering to actually ASK it what it really is! (The videos of his talks are all linked on his official website). 
Madhyamika Prasangika (Middle Way/Emptiness), that HH Dalai Lama and Geshe (likewise PhD as HHDL) Dr. Thupten Jinpa (his long time translator and sidekick) spend hours each day discussing, is essentially the maximum the human brain can track anything, which is to its extreme-most *balance,* until all opposites, all opposition, have dissolved/resolved into each other translucently and become/*are realized as*...One.
The Dalai Lama is always making the point of ...dependent origination..., including that these physics surpass mere "biology." Dependent origination simply means that you can't have an up without a down, an over without an under, a male without a female, etc...
Humans, including scientists, have the mistaken notion of themselves as somehow magically plopped down into the world completely disconnected/disjointed from all else, from everyone else, and that they have a totally private, impenetrable sanctuary inside themselves (mind) that no one else anywhere else can invade, but the reality is...there is One *Energy* flowing throughout, moving and motivating everybody, everything, everywhere, every event, every moment, even the weather/whether, and the more Conscious one is of that One *Energy,* the more he or she has fluent access to those (not at all private) "inner sanctuaries" of others'/all else's physics goings-on, because it all has inescapable mathematical, multidimensional, realizable structure, so it is like everybody and everything is all unwittingly "coded" (like a computer game), and superConsciousness/Enlightenment is actually one's becoming soooo aware/Awake to/fluent in that coding that they have full *access* to going inside that code (and inside everybody and everything being moved and motivated by it)!
It's actually an extraordinary and beautiful system, totally observable, totally accessible, to anyone Awakened/Enlightened to it. It is the Great Unifier, because no matter who one is, no matter their label or social status, no matter their religion, education, color, culture, age, what-have-you, if they are Conscious, and even more-so superConscious, that Ultimate Access is fluently *remembered* as having inherently "been there" all along!
*Emptiness* at the Core IS that Ultimate Alignment/Access...*One!* :)

Please also see:
*Clear Path* to Universal superConsciousness...for Scientists, Synergy VIII & IX