Thursday, August 30, 2012

Yin & Yang - *Even* More Relatives to Get to Know! =P

Workbook: Yin & Yang - *Even* More Relatives to Get to Know

And they're all/Awe... *Within* yourself!   o.O  *Without* yourself!

There is no greater importance for the world than the Conscious *realization* of the  inescapable patterns of *energy* lurking in the chaos of the collective unconsciousness, patterns that lead to order and truth...and peace!  

And Answers beyond your wildest dreams!

Everything only appears "chaotic" and lost to daunting defeat by an unconscious conventional mind, but there truly are... patterns in the chaos!

The idea that any mere human could ever possibly "figure out the universe" is all too quickly dismissed by those who look upon life with a sensation of being overwhelmed at just the thought of trying to figure it all out.  Even many of the most noted scientists rush to the premature conclusion that it's far too complex, that there's just so much going on, so, therefore, there must be no accessible Answer!

But the Universe itself clearly proves otherwise... again and again and again...and again!

Yin (female *energies*) and Yang (male *energies*) are not mere pop culture icons and have nothing to do with politically incorrect stereotypes.  They are critically important aspects of Universal Multidimensionality.

We'll talk more about these, as additional discussions are best addressed with a *higher* understanding of Yin and Yang. Too much, too soon, and folks start running away, lost in conventional misinterpretation and its..."reason."

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Universal superConsciousness...for Scientists

The *state of the art of the heart* of science these days is that scientists are running into their dreaded nemesis, "philosophy," not surprising when they've gone into their chosen journey with *rigid* conventional expectation, in a Universe of quite the contrary!

We'll explore how the very Answers they've inadvertently precluded out from under themselves can be discovered in the Translucent *Now,* not "centuries from now," in a new parallel forum I am creating to hopefully help scientists, and folks interested in science, including medical researchers, seismologists/geologists, etc., to move forward in their work, redirected into a more all-inclusive Universal perspective.

Wormholes, multiple dimensions, parallel universes... They're a lot closer than you think!

**Earthquakes, tsunamis... Daunting human events... The Universe reveals the imminent approach of these months or more in advance, relative to their frequencyXintensity!  Very real observable and measurable physics!

"The future" is neither "what" nor "where" most folks assume it is, in nonlinear *reality!*   Discover the *real* Universal Truth!

But if you want to go *there,* you also have to *do the work* here, or it'll all go right through you, unnoticed!  You won't be able to *process* it!

The simplest explanation tends to be the right one, and correct, too/two! ;)

Whether your journey through life is in search of science, religion, spirit and/or love...

The Universe is *One!*


Awakening Science...

**Waaaay too much essential life-saving information, with dire consequences otherwise to many, to irresponsibly keep to myself, and therefore a primary motivation behind the creation of this site!

Monday, August 20, 2012

The Sound of Silence: A Meditation -.o

Workbook: The Sound of Silence

The Sound of Silence (*Brilliant* Paul Simon, Art Garfunkel) =)

Hello darkness, my old friend
I've come to talk with you again
Because a vision softly creeping
Left its seeds while I was sleeping
And the vision that was planted in my brain
Still remains
Within the sound of silence

In restless dreams I walked alone
Narrow streets of cobblestone
'Neath the halo of a street lamp
I turned my collar to the cold and damp
When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light
That split the night
And touched the sound of silence

And in the naked light I saw
Ten thousand people maybe more
People talking without speaking
People hearing without listening
People writing songs that voices never shared
No one dared
Disturb the sound of silence

"Fools," said I, "you do not know
Silence like a cancer grows
Hear my words that I might teach you
Take my arms that I might reach you"
But my words like silent raindrops fell
And echoed in the wells
Of silence

And the people bowed and prayed
To the neon god they made
And the sign flashed out its warning
In the words that it was forming
And the sign said "The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls
And tenement halls
And whispered in the sound of silence!"


Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Physics of...Meditation

You know how you can run all over the house looking for your glasses, only to discover they were on your head all along? :)  Well, life itself is like that...quite literally!  As I've been helping you to *realize,* it is your very own inherent nature, the physics of your *beingness,* of your *presence* in the Universe, as one who is part of *Existence* itself, to inescapably hold ~ within yourself ~ the entire Library of Universal Truths!  Every Answer to Every Question!  Even/*even* those the most brilliant quantum physicists would just LOVE to have!

But the thing do you get there, to that Library within yourself?

I've also mentioned that there are going to be all sorts of "unfathomable" Alice in Wonderland/lookingglass wormholes for you to be falling through as well! =o

Meditation is one/*One* of them! ;)

Meditation, despite its seeming "pop culture" fad disguise, is an ACTUAL WORMHOLE in the Universe, and if you allow yourself to be true to yourself, you get to *experience* falling through that wormhole!  There are many, in reality!  And in meditation! =)  Scientists are desperately searching for "wormholes," and if they would learn to *do the work* toward becoming Enlightened, first, they would find them a lot closer to home than they otherwise suspect!

Multidimensional Universe

The Universe is multidimensional.  That means that while there appears to be a single established way of life going on, on one level, or dimension, there are, in truth, all sorts of parallel realities all superimposed upon one other, and while that may seem like an invitation to chaos, it really isn't, at all, with superConsciousness.  How could that be?  Well, the more *realized* you become, the more you have successfully mastered your way through all sorts of *higher accesses* that have each prepared you for what's next, similar to how you go through school beginning with kindergarten, first grade, second grade and so on...each level preparing you to tackle the next.

The Universe is an ~ open book ~ readily revealing all its Answers. It even/*even* provides us with the *key* to decoding it, but that *key* has to be earned along the way, and the way to that *key* is courage, self trust, and, as the Dalai Lama has added, intelligence to hold onto your newest ladder rung!  The Universe *hints* and *haunts* and *taunts* you, at every moment, to discover it!  It plants clues EVERYWHERE you go! You simply need to be ~ paying very close attention to those clues, ~ that's all!

The Key to Decoding It

Everywhere you have ever gone, from the time you were born, you have carried within yourself that very *key* to decoding the Truth.  It has surfaced millions of times, hinting and suggesting, creating little pin-hole synchronicities (simultaneous parallels) that have caught your momentary attention and wonderment.  We'll explore synchronicity later on, along with soooo much more intrigue, but for now, let's locate that *key to decoding* the Universal Truth *within yourself!*

We've already discussed the differences and locations of  *within* vs *without,* *spirit* vs *soul,* hinted toward relativity (yes, the real one! Much more on that to come, as well!), explored Y and X and ...O..., and talked about the importance of letting go, of "surrendering" your need to control what is happening around you.  Once again, let's begin with that ...O...!

Draw a circle and put a dot *in the middle* of it.  That really is what the Universe looks like, and the Universe of YOU!  When I was a child, a fun game the kids loved to play was to "draw a circle, and then place a dot in the middle of it, without lifting your pencil!"  Try it!  It's possible!  See if you can figure it out! =)

The *key* to that accomplishment is that you have to 'bend the rules of reasoning' a little.  Okay, okay...a lot!  =)  *Doing the work* of Awakening, you are going to have to bend a lot of conventional rules of reasoning!  Conventional rules are in place to protect convention!  That's why it's so hard to escape it!  The only thing that seems to make sense is...more convention!   Right?  You have to think out of the box, to get into *the middle* of the circle! =)  I'll leave that one for you to figure out.  Well, at least the game!  But the idea, here, is that you have to allow yourself to step outside the realm of *collective conventional reasoning* to reach the *higher accesses* inherent within yourself!  You have to take your *processing* to a new dimension!


Meditation is one of those "weird" kinda things that folks using the typical everyday rules of reasoning have trouble wrapping their minds around. It's a jolting of relative *energy* that seems really hard to "fathom!" What on earth is simply sitting still ever going to actually do for you?  Everyone knows how busy, busy, busy their thought processes seem to be when they attempt to sit quietly and tune everything else out.  It seems to go against everything you've learned in life to just sit there while a noisy world goes on without you, seemingly beckoning you to return.  You're naturally going to wonder what all you are missing, and even find yourself worrying you should be doing something else that you're not.  And, of course, there's that other ruined game plan associated with meditation called..."falling asleep!" =.=  You're tired, stressed, looking for respite!  That's at least in part why you are considering meditation in the first place, right, so...  What's it really for, then?  What's the enduring *new age* hype?  Is it really just some pop culture fad that some cool people or college student types seem to be getting into, or at least talking about ("gonna, gonna") getting into?

Years ago, when I was teaching meditation, a guy asked me, "Is there REALLY something *there?*"  He was frightened, but curious.  Tempted, but worried he wouldn't be able to "get back" or quickly escape if he found himself uncomfortable in what he may be experiencing.

Remember the pen with the rubber band, the pen being the Universal *Core* at its Perfectmost place of *Balance,* with all movement ~ away from ~ the *Core* being your *spirit?*  Well, with the birth of your *spirit,* that *one grain of sand* movement into your own *becoming* in your life, comes projection, and that's okay, because all life is projection.  It's the inescapable reality of living.  It's your creativity, your dreaming for yourself, those inventions you get to act out, and to be proud of as coming uniquely from yourself.  What would life be without them?  =)

Problem is, when you get so wrapped up in your creative living, you too quickly can totally forget that there's soooo much more going on, in *reality,* in YOUR *reality,* and that's when what you have projected takes on a world of its own, but it's a world that isn't as *reality*-based as the Ultimate Universal Truth, the home of the Answers, and projecting even more in search of those answers only serves to make matters worse.  The unfortunate result is stress, chaos, and disorder(s)!  When millions, billions, of folks are getting lost the same way, the result is WAR!  Mental illnesses, like depression, domestic issues, bullying, social and political chaos, it's all the result of distraction, a search for the answers outside yourself, when they really are waiting for you to notice them from *within!*

Trying so hard to control, you actually lose control, and that's when it is time to slow down and start *remembering* those inherent origins of your own *Existence!*  Believe it or not, it really IS related to an alteration in timeXspace itself.  The more you progress in your awareness, the more those *much, much higher* connections begin to become *realized* as well, when the quantum physicist hiding inside you begins to show itself!  Yep, it really is *there!*  What a joy for you to discover within yourself, as you progress!

YOU...the Quantum Physicist!

So, sitting *quietly* in meditation is going to resolve world issues, take you on actual wormhole adventures through Alice's lookingglass, and even turn you into a quantum physicist?  =?

YES! =)  Who *new?*  ;)  Actually, you've had it all along!  Then obviously it becomes apparent that a return to the home of those answers is in order...

So, let's get started, at least...  There is so much more to come, on meditation!  But, for *Now* the most important thing to know is this:

When you *sit quietly* in meditation, something extraordinary begins to happen!  Your heart and your brain, and all your other parts, have ~ ALWAYS KNOWN ~ the truth, your truth, the Universe's truth, and they have, at all times, been trying again and again to return to the Universal *Core!*  That's why the more you are ...pulling away... with that  metaphorical "rubber band," stretching your need for control, the more stressed, lost and unhealthy you feel.  Your heart and your brain have always *remembered* their own *dna!*  They've hinted and haunted and taunted you, right along with the Universe, trying to get your attention!  You who...dares to trust enough to "let go" of your need to control, of your need to TELL the Universe what it has to be, to *quiet* yourself enough to learn how to ASK it, instead, are in for an extraordinary treat! =)

A Meditation on... *Math?!*

With more guided, and not-so-guided, meditations yet to come, for now... 

After reading this:

...  Get yourself into a *quiet place* where you will not be distracted by others around you.

...  Sit in a comfortable, symmetrical manner, legs crossed, arms outstretched, hands resting on your legs, head slightly tilted down, most naturally.

...  Close your eyes, and begin counting your breaths.  Find the number most comfortable for yourself, while breathing in, holding that same count, and then breathing out, holding that same count.  Whatever number count most works for you, to begin, just keep all four breathing exercises the same.

...  Nothing more!  That's it, for *Now.* ;)  You simply want to learn to work on *quieting* your need to control your environment, because, *remember,* when you are trying so hard to TELL the Universe what it 'has to' be, you totally "forget" how to ASK!

The Universe is a living, breathing, pulsating, highly interactive (however inadvertent) eclectic *presence,* which you are just now learning how to *listen* to!  It can be the best friend you ever dreamed of having, but it can also be your worst enemy!  When you allow the process to unfold, the most magnificent something occurs, which is why, when you ultimately *get there,* you get to *Name* it, but you will have to go there alone, to earn your way to that *Ultimate Confrontation!*

But, whoaaaa! =)

Can't wait for you to discover that...*Whoa!*  =))))

Quest Test 3: "A Math Test! Oh, No!"

Workbook: Quest Test 3:  "A Math Test!  Oh, No!"

Movies and other media make wonderful teaching tools when it comes to Consciousness studies, in particular the few that could be considered a more direct *Core* potential to assist you, while also entertaining you, in your studies!  They also help you to *realize* yourself as not as alone in society as you will often feel on your journey. (There are some very intriguing and special *realizers* out there, where you'd least expect to find them!) =) And, perhaps most importantly, they serve as confirmation that you are on the right path, helping you to muster up some of that essential *trust* within yourself to continue on.

Watch "The Neverending Story" movie that I have occasionally mentioned, showing you the struggles of the journey, and walking you through Enlightenment (disguised as a children's movie), and be sure to...

...  put the captioning on, and take lots of notes!
...  pay very close attention to the opening theme song  (It's filled with clues!)
...  ask yourself:  "Am I afraid to get on a real one?"  Personally define that "real one!"
...  explore those times when you have felt yourself thrown in a dumpster
...  answer: When was the last time you failed "a math test?" ;)
...  spend some time in the NES bookstore, exploring if that *special book* is reeeeally for you!

I'll add some more clues from the movie as we go along!

I will also walk you through similar others, as well!


Sunday, August 12, 2012

New! *Consciousness Workbook w/ Cafe Now Open for You!

I've decided to create a separate *Consciousness Workbook* blog to go along with this primary blog, that is completely OPEN for you to share your journey, and to make like-minded friends!  I've included a Consciousness Cafe for just "hanging out," so folks could play and get to know each other if they want to, before or while jumping in to the other conversations!  The Workbook is intended to be fun, down-to-earth, but also a place for anyone interested to express heartfelt concerns, needs, wonderments, etc., relative to Enlightenment issues.  If you have a personal story or situation you'd like to share, you are very welcome to write about those!  Hopefully others will join in and share theirs, too! =)

I've chosen to keep this "primary text" blog closed for Comments, because this is such an important topic to be addressing, on so many levels.  As opposed to folks having to wait for me to approve comments before they are posted here, I hope this separate (but connected) - totally open for comments - Workbook blog will be a better option.

The Consciousness Workbook's topics will continue to parallel my primary writing here, and the "Comments" sections in each topic will remain completely OPEN for you to write your heart out (as long as that privilege is not being violated).  Please keep it relevant and make it a wonderful place for everyone to share and learn and grow together! =)

I am currently working on linking this primary text with the Workbook, and the Workbook with this primary text, in each individual topic, so it's easy for you to switch back and forth. =)

Here is the link for you to the new OPEN Workbook!  Enjoy!!    =)

(It's brand new, so please feel free to jump right in and get it going!) 

Welcome, everyone! =)

Imagine *Know* Religion

Of all the many harrowing obstacles and scary situations for folks to have to relearn / redefine, or simply set aside for a while, along the "yellow brick road" to Enlightenment, religion is one of the most difficult, if not *the* most difficult of all, for folks to traverse, and for many it is the most frightening of all personal confrontations to have to master from a Consciousness perspective.  If ever there was a game chute dropping the scarecrow, tin man and lion back to start, this mountainous task would be it.

There's a reason more than 99% of the entire world's population is unconscious!

It is here that "most folks run away...

...SCREEEEEAAAAAMMMMMIIIIINNNNNGGGGG" (NES), angry and terrified, worrying they are being led astray by something evil that's out to do nasty deeds to the world, or bring society down, especially if their religious exposure has been based upon fear, warnings of retribution for questioning it, along with threats of social and legal promise of conventional doom!  Billions of folks over the ages have been severely punished, tortured, imprisoned and murdered for questioning religions of their era, and thousands of years of holy wars have culturally taught folks to be afraid, be verrrry afraid, so it is easy to see why so many would have religion and fear synonymously paired.  While some religions SCREAM holy war at the world at the slightest imposition, others quietly do the same, not even realizing just how similar they really are!  Many folks have been driven "underground" as a result of social and political threat, in their efforts to have a place to freely act upon their perceiving differently, without retribution, inadvertently prompting suggestions of "secret societies" intentionally keeping "special* (and even "alien") knowledge from everybody else, adding to the suspicion.

"Imagine no religion," John Lennon once sang.  People were furious with him, so furious, in fact, they never were able to hear what he was actually saying!  Imagine what would happen, he was offering, coming from a place of *realization,* (having studied the 3000 year old Bhagavad Gita with his spiritual guru / Sanskrit teacher), if folks would lay down their weapons of faith, ~ just long enough ~ to *realize* what they are ~ really ~ doing, when they pick them back up again!  That's all!   A peeling away at the onion of *change!*  Folks still react with fear and insult at his brilliant lyric...all the while enjoying the sounds of silence *quietly* suggesting the same.'s a lonely place to be!  Are you up for it?

Consciousness / Enlightenment is NOT about religion, and not a religion in itself, although there ARE very *highly realized* (and nearly *realizing*) religions around which folks have established those all important social and personal meaningfulnesses.  But, in itself, it has nothing whatsoever to do with religion.  So, then, why would one have to have the courage to seek beyond, or at least temporarily set aside, their religious exposure, to move toward Consciousness?

Enlightenment (same thing as Universal Consciousness), differs from religion in that, while most religions are born outside oneself, and within structured conventional establishments, many quite literally (churches, temples and such), with conventionally placed leaders telling folks what and who to believe, that they are "less than" a forever "More Than," unworthy of ever being on an equal par with that "More Than," etc., with Enlightenment, it all is discovered *within* oneself, every step along the way/Way, all the Answers, very real and genuine Answers, clear to the Ultimate Confrontation with Universal Physics Truth.  A teacher of Consciousness can only "play tour guide," as I like to call it!  =)  You are the one who projected all the obstacles that keep you from your own Awakening!  You are the ONLY one who can UNproject those obstacles, to clear away all the clutter, all the distraction, to right the wrong turns, to *balance* yourself back to your own inherent origins, to *access* that beautiful *Library of Universal Truths* you have been entrusted by *Existence* itself to *Ultimately Access* from *within!*

Religion is a subjective journey, among many, many others, toward the restoration of oneself with the Universal *Core,* that dot *in the middle* of the circle.  Religion is never the Answer!  It is only a journey among many!  It is the fluid and constantly changing (however unconscious, unrealizing) expression of the *state of the art of one's heart,* as one goes through life in search of that extraordinary *gift* of *Worthiness* he or she was inherently born to become *Aware* of!  The truth is inescapable, eventually.  It's our own physics of Existence!  We, as sentient (*experiencing*) beings, are not what we conventionally think we are!  We are soooo much more!!  Religion can be such a beautiful place, filled with sharing and caring, companionship and comfort, but it is never the Ultimate Answer.  It is only a subjective journey, among other subjective journeys, toward Universal Truth.

A VERY Important Note:
It is here that I often try to help folks who rush around the internet in desperate, insecure attack of all things religious to step back and realize that it is THEMSELVES who are on their journey toward Awakening, and that countless millions of folks are NEVER going to be at least intentionally *doing the work* toward that Awakening!  At least, in this lifetime!  So, why take away from people who find such beautiful meaningfulnesses, such intense comfort and guidance, and feel such love, from their religious rituals and traditions?  It's selfish, and cruel, quite frankly!  As the Dalai Lama loves to say, *realizing* fully well that, complex as it is, the vast majority are not going to become Enlightened in their lifetime... What is MOST important is that they at least have "a good heart!" =)  So, there's no need to feel threatened by folks going about their beautiful meaningfulnesses!  Respect and protect that for them, having compassion and empathy for them!  The alternative is a world running rampant with far more chaos and war than it already has!  If YOU are choosing a more highly evolved Universal Truth / Consciousness / Enlightenment for yourself, respect that others are NOT yet in a position to make that choice!  Yes, they have it within themselves, their own inherent origins, to become Enlightened.  But they are not yet *ready!*  And that's okay...for now!

You'd be surprised just how many genuinely Enlightened Ones are sitting among the believers, sharing the joy, all the while fully *realized* and *processing* the same, but with an *Inner Light* ~ quietly ~ shining!  This is not about alienating yourself from your loved ones, friends and colleagues!

Consciousness is not about hurting people, but about responsibly loving them from a place of *higher realization,* with compassion, empathy and... patience!  You'll have plenty enough responsibilities with your *awarenesses* without ever feeling the need to "pull the rug out from under people!"  In times of genuine immediate world / emergent crises, yes, you may need to assert the need for more *balanced* processing!  But just don't create those crises as an excuse to break people's hearts! =/

The Ultimate Challenge of Universal Awakening comes from mustering up enough personal courage and trust and innermost resolve, to selfLESSly rise above external dependency, to go deeply within, clearing away all the clutter of distraction, to follow one's heart back to its soulful beginning...that *SHARED SOUL* at the *Core* of it All/Awe, where Faith-Resolving Empathy and Enlightenment become *One.* 

Saturday, August 11, 2012

The True Meaning of *Surrender!*

Imagine standing at the top of a perch, at a confidence camp, gazing at the task at hand, as you watch that harness coming closer and closer to your shakey and jittery form, with your inner dialogue resembling something like, "I can't do this!  Yes, you can!  No, I can't!  Yes, I can!  I don't wanna!  Yes, you do!" ...into...  "I'm terrified, but I'm gonna make this happen, no matter what!  I CAN do this!...I think?!?!  Okay, I can't, but darn it, I will!  I'm gonna try!  I am  soooo gonna do this!,..." and just as you are reaching into the depths of your being to master the task, your camp guide rushes in to intervene, places the harness on himself or herself, coddling you with "I've got this!  I've got it!  No worry!  Let me do all the hard stuff FOR you!  I love you too much to let you have to experience fear and uncertainty!  Noooo!  I've got this!  You just stay right there, in your safe place!  I've got this!"  And off they go, flying what was to be YOUR *dream!*  YOUR *journey!*  YOUR *becoming* more highly evolved! =/

That wasn't for you, after all, was it?!  Seems someone had some unfinished business to do!

When a teacher of Enlightenment overzealously attempts to *Name* the Ultimate Universal Truth ...FOR... his or her students, in the form of a Deity, especially when that is already what they are clinging to by learned tradition, he or she inadvertently cheats folks out of their own journey, out of their actually learning to reach waaaay deep down inside themselves, to muster up, and bring forth, all the important and essential hidden strengths, depths of feeling, reaches of intelligence, spontaneous surges of *spirit,* all the extremely important attributes and personal accomplishments that can ONLY come with ACTIONS that permanently redirect misguided learning into *balance!*  Folks need to directly *experience* being confronted with personal challenges and boundaries, one by one, as it is precisely the mastering of those challenges and boundaries that teaches self control, self confidence, self regard, self respect, self trust, self compassion, self empathy, etc., strengthening initiative and commitment, one's *innermost* resolve, toward living a selfless, far more highly evolved, life of *Awakening!*

Consciousness is NOT transferable! 

What does that mean?  It means that the Universe has a specific set of laws, by the *reality* of its own undaunted physics, YOUR undaunted physics, that require each person who wishes to *access* Universal Truth, that Library of *Ultimate Answers* that are as old as *Existence* itself, to surrender all their own personal projections and tangled webs completely, all control, all belief systems acquired in a state of forgetting, aka conventional unconsciousness, to master *Pure (Unobstructed) Observation!* 

NO ONE can do that *work* FOR you!

It is as though the Universe itself has intentionally ensured that anyone coming face to face with its *Core Truths* has genuinely ~ earned ~ that *access,* and has proven themselves responsible enough to handle having *that much information!*


"You must go alone!  You must leave all your weapons behind...  Fancy armor doesn't help!  The sphinxes can see straight into your heart!"  (The Neverending Story)

Feel your own *worth!*

How else are you going to learn, from *within,* just how very *worthy* YOU really are?!

Contemplation *One* - The Path to Peace

Consciousness is NOT about taking away people's beautiful meaningfulnesses.

It's about learning to be ...selfLESS... enough to temporarily set aside everything you think you know about life, long enough to *do the work* necessary to learn how to *perceive* in a different, far more ...universally / Universally - inclusive... light. 

That requires a lot of courage and self-trust, but it's what needs to be done if the world is ever going to experience *PEACE.*

Genuine Enlightenment can ONLY be *accessed* when one learns to rise above and see beyond oneself, for the *HIGHER* GOOD and loving compassion...

...on behalf of ALL sentient (experiencing) beings.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Quest Test 2 - *The God Particle*...A SuperImposition

"The God Particle" is the nickname scientists have given to their subatomic beginning of it all/awe, what they believe to be that very first *one grain of (scientific mass to matter) sand* that disrupted the Perfectmost, Translucent state of *The Nothing* at the Universal *Core,* to breathe mass into the matter of *The Something.*

Notice that the physics *address* behind the concept/*energy* of a "god" (for those choosing to anthropomorphize that *energy* as such) is NOT the Nonlinear Universal *Core* itself, but rather begins with the very first step OUTSIDE the Universal *Core,* while the *Core* itself remains undauntedly eclectic!

I've suggested for a long time that billions could be saved in a redefinition of time and space, or relative timeXspace, if scientists would search for the answers they seek by first looking *within* themselves.  You know, a bit of "back engineering" of those aliens closer to home that would then lift them up like Falcor in The Neverending Story (*Love* - that movie! ;) ), and carry them almost all the way to the finish line.  Somehow, though, it seems a reluctant course of action, and so they struggle along, *without* their magic dragon.  "Fancy armor doesn't help!," I've reminded them (from NES).  "The sphinxes can see *s*t*r*a*i*g*h*t* into your heart!" :D

Well, if they're not ready to borrow the empathic assistance of Falcor, that doesn't mean we can't, here! :)  Soooo, there's a "God Particle" hiding somewhere in the reflection?   Yep, there sure is!  *Remember Now*...  *Doing the work* is gonna get harder, as we go along!  But magnificently, if you keep an open mind and check to see if you are quieting yourself into *balance* as you go, that *work* can also simultaneously begin to become a lot easier, as well!  You'll *realize* how this could be, in time...and space! =)  Don't get so caught up in worrying what you may leave behind!  Be brave!  *Focus* on how ~ *beautiful* ~ what you are moving toward is going to be!   There is nothing more beautiful than Universal Enlightenment!  Little by little, the *gift* of your inherent Awakening is becoming *clear.*  You are that *worthy!*

In Quest Test 1, which we will return to as we progress, you began to explore the *mother* superimposition, which, by the way, has nothing whatsoever to do with "psychobabble!"  It is actual Universal physics, and you will see for yourself, all within yourself, just how profoundly real that physics actually is!  Sages over thousands upon thousands of years have all come to these exact same *realizations!*  The Truth of the Universe will prove itself to you, all within your very own heart and soul!  Universal Truth is what happens when all human projection is retrieved, and the path to Enlightenment has become Empathically *clear!*  There's no mistaking the Truth once *there!*  It proves itself again and again, in everything you experience!  You can gather crowd after crowd to debate it, and Universal Truth remains *clear!*  =)  We are working on helping you to *realize* all within yourself that courage and trust you will need to continue on, and on and on and on...mastering your own Consciousness / Enlightenment!   *Remembering,* as well, that there are going to be all sorts of "loose ends" that you will have to set aside (macrame-like) while you *work* on other parallel aspects of *reality* that will eventually all so beautifully connect, let's now move on to...

Quest Test 2: The Patriarch

Some Universal *connections* / *aha!* moments are more successfully and meaningfully *realized* (and accepted) when left to the seeker of truth to discover them in his or her own heart and soul, and only when they are *ready.*  So, in keeping with the "loose ends" of the *mother* superimposition...

The Universe is a system of opposing forces.  In its perfectmost state of *The Nothing,* its symmetry is at its ultimate *balance.*  That *balance* eventually habituates itself into reacting, and suddenly the imperfect, less symmetrical *Something* appears, to send everybody, everything, every event, happening, every whatever, out into the world to "whether" the storms of imperfection.  This *one grain of sand* is what Christians inadvertently perceive (in parallel) as "sin."  Thanks to this state of imperfection, the universe now reveals itself as a system of opposites in search of their own reflection/*reflection.*

So, now...  Get out your notebook again, and, remembering that your notes are for your eyes ONLY, and leaving some pages free to return to your *mother* notes whenever you feel the need, this time write about your father!  As in Quest Test 1, it doesn't matter if you have never, ever met your father, if he is gone, if you haven't seen him in ages, if he lives on the other side of the planet, if he gave you away for adoption, etc...  The Universal physics still applies, 100%!   Don't forget to be honest with yourself in the *work* you are doing, because it will only get a lot harder later on, when everything is multiplying exponentially and suddenly you find yourself overwhelmed with inadvertent chaos you never intended to bring upon yourself.

The VERY Eclectic (because Universally *realized*) Dalai Lama likens *doing the work* to climbing a ladder, saying one needs "intelligence" to master the task, so he or she is able to hold onto every next rung that has been reached, without losing one's grip and sliding back that unconscious conventional comfort zone!  We all establish, refine, and re-establish our natural "defense mechanisms" as we go along in life, to reflect *where* we are and feel most comfortable.  When we are *doing the work* of Enlightenment, those defense mechanisms only naturally are going to have to be redefined to reflect the *state of the art of the heart* of the journey, so if you find yourself feeling uncomfortable, stop in place, hold onto your newest rung, and allow your defense mechanisms to catch up with you!  I guess in a way you could say they are also *doing the work* right along with you! =)

Okay, so...what do you suppose you are going to need to do with your Quest Test 2 notes about your father?  Well, in a Universe of inverted opposites, while *mother* is your "ultimate innermost self," father/Father is your ultimate outermost self!  He is an exact superimposition to your environment, the world *outside yourself!*  Or, you could say...your environment, that world outside yourself, is an exact replica, or reflection, of your Dad!    Close your eyes...that is your ultimate innermost *mother* self.  Open your see your outermost *father!*  Go back over your notes about your father, cross out everywhere you've referred to him as such, and this time, write "my ultimate outermost self!"  Spend all the time you need to work on this new *realization* in your life!  Don't try to *hear* everything all at once.  You'll go bonkers! =)  Give yourself plenty of time to allow the process to naturally unfold.  You will find yourself suddenly *realizing* and experiencing all sorts of new *aha!* moments for years to come, so there's no need to rush.  If you need time to go away and spend days, weeks, months or more *working* on these *higher realizations,* by all means, follow your heart to its natural inclinations for you!

There's soooo much more to come, but never allow yourself to become overwhelmed, especially to the point of not being able to function in your everyday life!  Enlightenment is not an escape!  If you find yourself getting stuck or unduly distracted from your daily activities, put your Consciousness studies aside until you have *balanced* the *work* of your journey with the practical *reality* of your everyday needs.  If at any time you find yourself drifting into painful realizations, STOP!  Those can only be healed with time and space.  Make that happen!  This is not a race!  You are your only competitor!

It's the journey that's the joy!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Quest for the Truth - Quest Test 1: The Matriarch

This is where things start to get reeeeally scary, so please go no further if you feel you aren't *ready* for the hard truth, of yourself, of the entire Universe!  If you continue to read here, you do so at your own risk and are 100% responsible for anything you experience as a result.

...  I  wrote the following:

"Scary proposition...all the unknowns, as you set out on your quest for the Truth!

Where do you begin?  How do you gather up enough *courage,* and muster up enough *trust,* to allow the process to unfold for yourself?  How do you even know WHAT to trust?  Or WHO to trust?

The WHO is *YOU!*  =)

Next...  *How to* discover that courage and trust *all within YOUR very own heart and soul!*"

Courage!  Trust!  What?  Who?  How and Where?  (That's a lot of *spooky* mustering!)

The Answer to "how to" *access* within yourself the courage and trust you feel you need, to get yourself on the way, and that stays with you like *a special friend* to lean on, all within yourself, all throughout your journey, is for you to begin *doing the (most basic) work* that will provide you with a ~ glimpse ~ into the Universal physics...of yourself!  If you can get past this first test, you are well on your way!   =)

Your courage will begin with your choice to continue, and will grow exponentially, along with your needed trust, as you take the necessary chances that lead to every next *aha!*

I told you that not only would you discover your own personal truth, but also the Library of Universal Truths, all within your very own self, and that you could *do that work* privately, in your own space and time. =)   It's true, but this is where you need to promise yourself, and the Universe, that you will handle what you learn RESPONSIBLY!  I say "promise the Universe" because the Universe has a built-in protection mechanism, and it will "bite you in the butt" in your attempt to violate its natural laws!  In other words, YOU are the one choosing to *do the work,* and so you need to be sure you never set out to hurt anyone with the information you find yourself having, acquired through the *work* you do on yourself!   You will quickly understand this with this very first  *Quest Test!*

As it is said in the movie, "The NeverEnding Story," which I highly advise (the story of Enlightenment, disguised as a children's movie!):  "You must go alone!  You must leave all your weapons behind!  It will be very dangerous! (The journey will not be easy!)"

Quest Test 1:

~ YOU ~  are the only one on your own personal quest for Enlightenment, so keep your discoveries to yourself as you work on yourself, so you don't inadvertently hurt other people, bring chaos upon your relationships, or  unconsciously and inadvertently reveal to others things about your personal private self that you didn't intend to share with them!  The following *work* is to be done in complete privacy!  You are moving into multidimensional language and parallel universes (yes, the real ones!), and you are not going to immediately *realize* what all is happening at first.  So be sure to keep your work for your eyes ONLY!

Begin with a notebook (or similar) that you can keep in a private, uninvaded place, and a pen.  If you choose to use a pencil, that's okay, but remember that you can never lie to the Universe, ever, and so if you start erasing what you've written in an effort to escape truth-revealing confrontations with yourself, it's only going to get harder as you go (because you'll keep running into them until you resolve them, and they get more complicated, multiplying exponentially as you progress on your journey)!

Ready to begin?

Write a paragraph or two about your mother!  Say whatever you feel you need to say, positive, negative, or anything in between.

When you are finished, go back over it and read it again.  Spend some time with it, reflecting upon the message you have expressed.  If you need to, put it aside (in that safe place) and go back to it when you are ready.  Add to it as you feel the need, or leave it as it is for now.

When you are comfortable with what you have written, and are ready for the next step, begin again.  This time, cross out everywhere you have made a reference to your mother, and write "my ultimate innermost self!"  0.O  Yep!  *Now* try to read what you've written! fair erasing! =)

Everything in life is a superimposition, a parallel to a parallel to a parallel to a parallel...just like mirrors reflecting mirrors.  You can see this if you hold a mirror up to another mirror, and watch as they each reflect the other into layers upon layers, parallels upon parallels...on and on and on...  See those layers as yourself, your mother, your grandmother, your great-grandmother, your great-great-grandmother, and so on... =)  Isn't that extraordinary?

Your physics is an inescapable imprint of your mother's physics, and it doesn't matter if you never, ever met your mother, if she's gone, if you haven't seen her in ages, if she lives on the other side of the planet, if she gave you away for adoption, etc...  The Universe doesn't miss a thing, so while you may not have noticed, the Universe has never forgotten!

So, what is it exactly that you are supposed to be hearing, when you go back over what you've written and hear yourself within what you've expressed about your mother?

Well, contemplate that for a while, spending time with what you are *hearing.*  We'll come back to it as we go along.   If you are trying to understand what you are supposed to be *hearing* when you replace your mother's actions and attributes with your own "ultimate innermost self," try getting some *quiet time* for yourself to sit in meditation, and *listen* there...


*Spirit* vs *Soul*...The Relativity of a Pulsating Universe

As a playful yet profoundly revealing addendum to the *projection* / *reflection* post (Please read first/the circle with the dot *in the middle,* that dot being *Emptiness* of all projection and distraction/Perfect-Most *Balance*/Home of Universal Answers/The Nothing/*Empathic Energy!*):

Put a rubber band around a pen and tug on it.  =)

The pen that you hold in one hand is the *Core* (*Emptiness*). The tugging of the rubber band with the other hand is your *spirit*X*soul* in action!

Movement ....AWAY FROM.... the *Core*/Emptiness (pen) is *projection.*  (*Spirit* to dream)

Movement ....TOWARD.... the *Core*/Emptiness (pen) is *reflection!* (*Soul*-Shared w/All)

Notice the ~ stress ~ you experience, the *resistance,* relative to how hard you are pulling further and further away!  That is the same kind of stress you actually experience in real life, along with your heart, and all your other organs, when you are moving away from your own inherent truth, as well as Universal Truth!  All life, Existence, is movement away from the *Core,* (the Nothing, which has nothing to do with the conventional interpretation of "nothing," as we'll discuss along the way), into the Something.  It is your *spirit* to dream and create for yourself, and to act upon those dreams and creations.  But your *spirit* has to be ~ *balanced* ~ with your *soul,* your *remembering* your own inherent origins, so you don't get all tangled up and lost in your own inventions!  This is important, because besides the stress of any of us individually, when everyone is getting all tangled up and lost in their own inventions, whether friends, family, town, country, world...we have a culture at war with itself!  We'll talk much more about this as we go along.


Notice the ~ relief ~ you experience, as you learn to lighten up and "let go," when you trade in some of your control for *trust,* as you return to your own inherent truth, to Universal truth, and toward all those Answers you are seeking!   =)  Meditation is a *letting go* that we will discuss later on, relative to what exactly it is, why and how to do it, what happens when you do meditate, and where it can ultimately take you!  The world would be in a much better *place* if it would slow down and take the time to *reflect* upon itself more!  Likewise, those friends, family, town, country, culture... Movement toward the *Core* is movement toward your soul, your own inherent origins.  The *Core* (that dot *in the middle* of the circle) is also the Universal Soul of Everything, Everybody... SHARED at the *Core!*  So, as you move toward your own inherent truth, you are re-aligning yourself with that Ultimate Universal Empathy that *Answers Everything!*  Such an extraordinary *place* to be!

By the way, letting go all at once from a seriously outstretched situation, such that you've created a sling shot with your pen-ultimate dynamic, would be the sudden JOLT that is experienced, individually or collectively, when really profound life events occur.

Consciousness / Enlightenment would result in your living in the *comfort zone* of that beautifully unstressed /stress-relieved rubber band,  a *balance* of *spirit*X*soul* in partnership with each other.  An expression often used in Enlightenment studies is "zen mind, beginners mind," which means being Awake, *aware,* and living in such a way that, at all times, you are *remembering* the truth of it all and can readily return at any time to the *pinnacle* to keep yourself from getting all tangled up in forgetfulness, "beginner" being the *one grain of sand* first movement away from the perfectmost *Core.*  It is the place of compassion and empathy/Empathy!



Thursday, August 2, 2012

There's an X, Two / Too! And an ...O...

For *Now,* let's work on that ...O...

Draw a circle, and put a dot *in the middle* of it. =)

That's what the Universe looks like, its physics dynamics!  It is also what YOUR physics dynamics look like!  Yep!  You were born from that *middle.*  Everyone is!  And so is Everything, Everywhere, every Event, every Happening, every Whatever, the entire Universe!

Hold your hand up in front of yourself, palm facing you!  That is *within!* 
Turn your palm away from yourself.  That is *without!*
Back to yourself... *Within!*
Back out to the world... *Without!*

*Within*Without*Within*Without!*  See the *reflection?*

See why becoming Enlightened holds SUCH ENORMOUS RESPONSIBILITY that goes way beyond yourself and your own personal needs?  That dot *in the middle* is the Ultimate Universal Truth of yourself, in its perfectmost state of *balance.*  If you *do the work* enough to actually *access* that perfectmost *Core* of yourself, you will discover that you have ALSO *accessed* the Ultimate Truth of the entire Universe itself!  Daunting, huh?!  It is an exact superimposition of yourself!  Absolutely for real!  It moves as you move!  You move as it moves!  See why that *access* is soooo truly extraordinary?  Suddenly, everything comes together, the biggest of all *AHA!s*

Face your palm to yourself again.  Now close all your fingers until they, too, meet *in the middle* at a point.  Open your hand.  Close it.  Open it again.  Close it again.  Open, close, open, close...  Starting to look familiar?

Seems impossible though, doesn't it?  How could it be?  Well, if you stay on the *clear path* to Consciousness / Enlightenment, there will be all sorts of totally unfathomable experiences just like that, with genuine *wormholes* you suddenly find yourself falling through like Alice in Wonderland's lookingglass adventures, when you least expect it, whisking you away to parallel *realities* / dimensions you never dreamed were ever-present.  These unfathomable experiences showing you momentary *glimpses* into the most extraordinary *aha!*s-in-the-making, will require you to simply set them aside, as if kept in a metaphorical "folder" or glass jar for a while, as you *do more work* and learn more universal *connections,* and little by little that stash of "unfathomables* will diminish, as one by one you begin to figure out how it all soooo beautifully fits together like the most magnificent puzzle ever, and becomes *One.*

*Reflection,* or movement TOWARD the Universal *Core,* is the *work* you do when you stop trying to TELL the Universe what it has to be, based on your own personal beliefs and needs, and you start ASKING it what it actually is, and what is actually going on.  How is it going to answer you?  The more you *align* yourself with your own *Core* truth (which is NOT subjective or personally decided upon, but rather inherent to your very Existence in the world, a mathematical process too complex to discuss at this part of your journey), the more you restore your *Ultimate Empathy,* the dissolution of yourself into All/Awe Else, where all physicality disappears, and *Being at One* with the entire Universe only naturally comes with the Ultimate Answers of All/Awe!

Invertedly, *projection* is when you move AWAY FROM that Ultimate Universal *Core* Truth of the Universe (that dot *in the middle*), which is also the truth of yourself!  That very first step ~ away from ~ the perfectmost balanced Truth at the *Core* is that *one grain of sand* that transforms *The Nothing* into *The Something!*  It is what Christians inadvertently call "sin!"  It is the beginning of human (all sentient / *experiencing beings*) invention!  As you move further away from that perfectmost *Core* balance, you become increasingly distracted from the Truth of both yourself and the Universe, as you get yourself all wrapped up in the tangled webs you weave, those stories you tell yourself again and again until even you have forgotten you've invented them!  After a while, and supported by more than 99% of the entire world's population doing precisely the same, all those inventions / projections become "tradition," around which many more inventions are created to celebrate and protect that tradition, and, next thing you know, you are so caught up in your vested interests that you believe define you, that there is little chance of your ever being brave enough, or secure enough, to allow yourself to *challenge* yourself to perceive your life, all life, all others, the world, the Universe itself, in any other way!  In fact, your personal defense mechanisms have been established with every choice, belief, action taken toward those traditions and vested interests, as a means to feel ensured that none of what you have created for yourself will ever be taken away!  And the result... Neverending war, *within yourself* X *without yourself!*  When more than 99% of the entire world's population is unconsciously doing that, the result is neverending WAR!  Holocausts, slavery, apartheid, terrorism, abuse, cruelty, bullying, devastating weather/whether... =(

Consciousness / Enlightenment, the restoration of your Ultimate *Core* Truth, the place of all the Answers you so desperately seek in life, which is also the Ultimate *Core* Truth of the entire Universe, can ONLY be *accessed* when you find within yourself the courage to "let go" of all those tangled webs you've woven, to clear away the clouds, to *access* the Ultimate Clarity that  genuinely...*Answers Everything!* 

Scary proposition...all the unknowns, as you set out on your quest for the Truth!

Where do you begin?  How do you gather up enough *courage,* and muster up enough *trust,* to allow the process to unfold for yourself?  How do you even know WHAT to trust?  Or WHO to trust?

The WHO is *YOU!*  =)

Next...  *How to* discover that courage and trust *all within YOUR very own heart and soul!*



Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Why? in the Road

So, let's get going, keeping it simple for now, and having some fun with it along the way... =)

Draw a Y, and then extend the tops of the Y into long parallel lines.  Now it should look something like this:    ----<==================

Imagine walking along a path with all others way back in the beginning of life, everything all peaceful and nice, everyone going in the same direction, no matter how personal their dreams.  But then, something happens, and suddenly there's that Y in the road, and with it a decision to have to make:  Which way to go?  So, you stand there with them as they deliberate, yourself joining in, and when nearly everyone chooses to mosey on off in a collectively chosen direction, while only one chooses the other way, you find yourself confronted by yet another decision:  do you go with the many, where there's obviously going to be the comfort of lots of folks on your side, providing immediate advocacy (in "what everyone else is doing") for your decision, you go the way of that one, where clearly most of that advocacy is going to have to come from within yourself?  Not wanting to worry over whether you've made the right decision, and being afraid you'll be left behind, you do "what everyone else is doing," and off you go with the collective choice, the way of the masses, and a sigh of relief washes over you. 

But then...certain you've made the right decision, you somehow feel compelled to glance back one last time as you go, and you catch the gaze of the one, and it's a *seering gaze* you never forget, a gaze that goes on to haunt you all your life, in nearly everything you do, as if relentlessly calling you to return, keeping you curious and inquisitive, needing to check on that one to put your mind at ease.  But...for whom?  What was it about that one you left behind?  And what about that *seering gaze?*  Was there something he or she knew that you didn't?  What really was going on within yourself when the way of the many seemed easier, safer, more trustworthy?  What was going on with that one who stood alone?

Years go by, and you've created a life for yourself along the path you've chosen, establishing very meaningful and deeply held traditions with others, and vested interests that seem to define you and give you something to live your life for, and through.  Sure, life has its difficulties, and you struggle with your attempts to reconcile the neverending horrors and tragedies on the evening news, human or nature caused.  But you have your meaningfulnesses, and you have the comfort you find in being with others.  So, how come, still find yourself *remembering* that one.  No matter what you do, something's just still not quite right! 

You find yourself increasingly haunted and taunted by that *other* path. 

