Friday, October 19, 2012

Reincarnation: Reality or Erroneous?

Having mentioned the Buddhist (however Eclectic) Dalai Lama in the previous post, I thought this would be a good place to address the issue of "reincarnation," given that the Dalai Lama is considered, by the Tibetan people at least, to be the reincarnation of the previous (or 13th) Dalai Lama, with each believed to have succeeded himself from the prior along the way.

Sounds a bit strange, doesn't it, particularly to the west, which has all sorts of completely other ideas!

I wanted to address this here because the concept, or notion, of reincarnation is actually born of a *higher* nonlinear mathematics *access,* and is actually nothing at all exclusively like what is typically shown in documentaries, movies, and such, where a child is tested with belongings from a possible previous lifetime, and if the child correctly "recognizes" those objects, he or she is then said to *be* the reincarnation of that person in this lifetime! Not to negate that process as an additional consideration, as part of a more complex process, but my point is that that is not taken as the ONLY dynamic involved by Tibetan Buddhist monks in search of a reincarnate.  I am always soooo disappointed that the *higher* nonlinear mathematics involved are not addressed, though I certainly realize that conventional minds are not *there* enough to be able to even/*even* begin to process such a notion if it were to be demonstrated!  

So, I would like to discuss that *higher* nonlinear mathematics, which I think anyone who has gotten this far in this blog's teaching of Enlightenment could handle and would find rather interesting, and anyone newly coming to this blog and stumbling upon this post may be far more capable of at least attempting to process out of basic curiosity.

Most everyone has been approached sometime in their lifetimes, particularly childhood, with a math problem to solve that looks something like the following:

0 ... 2 ... 4 ... 6 ... 8 ... 10 ... ___

Right?  Seems pretty easy to solve that one, for sure!  But what if that math was extremely deeply embedded into layers upon layers of multidimensional language and mathematics, harmonics, consistencies, and such, all multiplying exponentially every step of the way?  Not so much, right?  0.O

Over on the accompanying Workbook blog, I've been creating "Scavenger Hunt" questions for anyone seriously interested in *doing the work* toward Consciousness / Enlightenment to work on, relative to the "text" writings here, essentially bringing forward some of the most important points to remember along one's journey.  Well, "Scavenger Hunt" would be a pretty good way of addressing the nonlinear physics behind the concept of reincarnation!   

With multidimensional, nonlinear superConsciousness, what appears to be outrageously complex to the point of "impossible" and "nonsense," and unable to escape the realm of linear science's adamant "system of probabilities," actually becomes...well, "just another day or night in paradise." I just heard myself say that, so... =) ... I'm gonna just stay with that, cause it's soooo heartfelt and accurate!  ;)

The *key* is to NOT get so lost in the conventional social renunciations of particular words that you lose the ability to approach their somewhat-escapist concepts altogether. There's a reason people "go there," in other words, but what unconscious convention does with them along the way...well, that's where the chaos begins...and then persists.  All my life I've loved erasing what convention has done with certain "words" that cause it so much angst, to explore what was originally intended in the approach at all! =)  "Re-incarnation" is one of those words!  If you can't remove yourself, your reasoning, from what convention has done with it, you won't allow yourself to approach it from an unbridled stance.

Linear, conventional minds process life in terms of that past to present to future "line" that keeps them forever repelling their answers out from under themselves as they go. Nonlinear minds process life from that dot *in the middle* of the circle, with everything pulsating out in every direction and returning to settle themselves in equal *balance* at that *core,* which is like playing (not so countless) games of Old Maids, meaning that for everything to successfully return to that *core,* everything has had to meet its mathematical partner-in-crime, so to speak, its reflection, hence, resolving its own issues along the way.  With each successful *access* of the Universal *Core,* the person is not then returning to the "regular world," as if "nothing happened," but rather shifts to *higher* and *lower* dimensions, or depths in the layers of life (like parallel worlds/realities/universes) that function very comfortably with the newest Awakenings gathered from that Universal *Core* resolution!

Each *access* to the Universal *Core* shifts the person into a whole 'nother nonlinear mathematical address, or "signature" as I like to call it, and this is actually very easy to see because it doesn't require *extraordinary accesses* to observe this process in action!  Each year of your life, each month, each day, each hour, each learn something new, and with that new learning your life "shifts" itself into that new *place,* and you comfortably move into that new *place* and continue on from there!  Well, that's the very same thing!  It's just that repetitious trips to the Universal *Core* brings *accesses* to *higher* upon *higher* superimposed dimensions (and lower ones, but don't hear those as "less than," because they are just math placements that keep the *balance* going every step of the way, serving as wonderful tools to get it *right,* and correct, too/two, again and again!! ) =P

Telepathy's Role in Reincarnation
I've mentioned in previous posts that "telepathy" is very real, and very simply *shared empathy* with another who happens to be similarly *processing* as oneself.  It really IS that simple!  It's just that on the levels of awareness of superConsciousness, those shared depths of empathy are... wow!

So, now take that *realization* of, say, very highly *realized,* far more highly evolved, monks, such as those who have surrounded the succession of Dalai Lamas.  IF they are remaining very closely attentive to *where* each *is* in his nonlinear physics, meaning his fluent and fluid level of Enlightenment, determined by his mathematical, multidimensionally linguistic, harmonic, spiritual, *realized* Universal *accesses,* then it is actually rather easy to observe that 0 ... 2 ... 4 ... 6 ... 8 ... 10 ... ___ scenario, to carefully locate where that nonlinear address, or *signature* in the Universe,  picks up in life, "next," (in nextless next) when it has dissipated elsewhere!  It would be an *empathic reflection* of their own *energy,* after all!  Actually, it would look more like:

These, of course, would be multiplying exponentially in every direction!

What makes that new Universal address, or *signature,* so securely able to be located is the enormity of nonlinear physics processes involved, that are each playing "Old Maids" in their "matching and cancelling, matching and cancelling..." processes.

Clear as mud, right?  But it is actually tremendously easier than it certainly sounds here, when one is genuinely superConscious!  The Universe is a living, breathing, pulsating, highly interactive (however inadvertent - I'll discuss that when it's appropriate to the context of these boards) "creature" of sorts, or Presence, reflectively, and if you get the math all wrong, etc., it quickly makes sure you know about it! =D  It is exactly the very same physics as, say, someone leaning far too much to his or her feelings side, only to be jolted back to his or her intelligence side, the Universe, if protecting a stasis of 9, quickly confronts you with 6 if you've behaved 3, 7 if you've gone 2, or 5 if you've acted out 4!  That's simply what happens in a NonLinear Universe, determined to maintain *The Nothing* (Emptiness) at its *Core!* =)

I mentioned that with every trip to the Universal *Core,* one/*One* evolves into parallel dimensions of life that jolt the math and multidimensionality of language, harmonics, etc.,  to a new level of *access.*  This is when it gets into really complex physics that are much harder to explain and are best reserved for folks to experience for themselves in their own journeys, but I would like to quickly add here that this is why I can fluently detect imminent manifestations both within and without myself in the same timeXspace signature. People like to challenge me to resolve the dynamics within myself, as if magically the events then won't happen, as if I'm gonna "save the world" that way, or be accused of selfishly causing the events otherwise, but the *reality* is...the stuff still/*still* happens!  Can you see the *withinXwithout* there? =)(=  I'm simply Universally *aligned* enough to empathically detect those imminent events, that's all!  But it is important to say here that the physics of NonLinear Cognition are the same processes as "re-incarnation" detection!  The NonLinear Universe does what it does, and if you are Awake enough and paying attention, you can be aware of where it is going..."next!"  It's kinda like playing chess, and...both sides win!  Or lose!  Up to the observer to define that, though.

I also previously mentioned having been to the Universal *Core* many times, and hence having experienced the *non-experience* of all physicality disappearing, even/*even* mind, such that the resolute *energy* becomes Empathy that *recognizes* all Universal Energy as made up of the *spirit* of all in Existence, in timeless, spaceless Nothingness.  Soooo hard to explain, but it is so profound, soooo truly extraordinary, that it is *clear* that there is nothing disjointed about any of it!  If there had to be one word to bring back to the everyday world to describe it (in addition to Ultimate Empathy), it would have to be...  Consistency!

Either side, either way...*One*

Therefore, having experienced all of these truly Translucent, NonLinear Physics so profoundly and, yes, consistently, the concept of *reincarnation* becomes rather realistically obvious (when removed from what convention has done with it)!  In a Universe that refuses to be disjointed, even/*even* in its Something as well as its Nothing, the more complex question to then ask becomes...

How come you can't out-pace yourself in your mirror?


Please also see: The Oneness of Humanity Beyond Religion - Dalai Lama, which further explains these physics, and suggests where you can go to actually observe the Dalai Lama's own (and his Regent's and others') NonLinear Cognitions-in-action, for yourself!