Thursday, July 26, 2012

Consciousness Questionaire 1...

I'm a reeeeally "down to earth" kinda person, playful, fun, but also deeply contemplative, compassionate and empathic.  I would much prefer to talk *with* people about Consciousness, as opposed to only TO them, so please join in and respond to any or all of these questions, the first of many I will be asking along the way.  I've told you what *I* want to be sharing with the world here.  What is it that YOU hope to share in return?

1 ...  What are YOUR personal interests in Consciousness / Enlightenment?
2 ...  What do you hope to learn or discover here?
3 ...  What do you feel are the biggest obstacles to your own personal Awakening?
4 ...  If you could *change the world,* with unlimited power, how would you change it?
5 ...  What baffles you the most about life and its many mysteries?
6 ...  What saddens you the most about life in general, or your own personal life?
7 ...  If you could write a book, what title would you choose?  Name 3 of its chapters!
8 ...  What is the difference between religion and spirituality, for yourself personally?
9 ...  What does the concept of *Love* mean to you?

Please feel free to answer any or all of these questions, here!    Your responses will help me direct this blog for your needs, as well.  Consciousness studies can quickly become chaotic without consistent order, so I will be making sure that continues, but help me know where your heart is taking you!  Thanks! =)